Baby's First Fair

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They stood on the balconies of the building, keeping their eye out for the coming herd.

When it came, Natalia ushered the teenagers into the building, whist Daryl took aim, sending a warning.

They made the last final adjustments whilst Beta and his group entered, making their way up.

"Hey, you two, with me." Daryl shined his flashlight on the girls. "Come on."

Lydia kissed Henry before following, Evie rolled her eyes at the scene, walking ahead of her father.

"I care about them both, I don't want Evie to be mad at me." Henry opened up, whilst him and Natalia hammered a board against a window, blocking out the light.

"She's not mad at you, just worried, you mean a lot to her, you were her first friend in this world, I don't know how much more loss she can handle. During the war, I was pissed off at Daryl for doing the exact same thing, and before that, we used to get mad at each other for both doing it." Natalia shared, "It'll be fine when this is all over, though, maybe stop making out with Lydia in front of her, for a bit, y'know, she used to have a lil crush on you."

"She did?" He gasped, staring open mouthed at her.

Once they were ready, and could hear the clatter downstairs, Henry and Natalia hid in the room, waiting for their arrival whilst Daryl and the two girls were somewhere else in the building.

Henry had taken out the first one he saw, knocking her to the ground with his stick.

Footsteps alerted him, causing the boy to sprint out the room as another mask freak aimed to shoot at him with a bow, but Natalia was faster, planting an throwing knife in it's head.

When she went to retrieve it, and make sure Henry's wouldn't come back to try and bite them in the back, she noticed that the woman was still breathing, Henry hadn't killed her.

"Stupid kid." She muttered, putting the woman down.

Natalia then moved on to the next room, keeping her eye out for any skins aiming for the teenage boy, who was apparently on a peace no kill hiatus.

She heard the metal clang behind her, ducking as an knife imbedded in a wooden frame just in front of her.

She turned around quickly, spotting a skin masker.

Without hesitation, she threw her own knife, not missing, unlike her opponent.

She could hear Dogs barking down the dark hall, then both of Evie and Lydia's voices, instantly going for them.

That's when she saw the three teenagers on the floor, and Dog chewing on someone.

"Dog, stop." She told him, throwing her knife into the skull of the dead masker. "What happened?"

"He's hurt, and it's not something a little first aid kit is gonna help." Evie told her, examining Henry's thigh, that was spouting blood.

"Where were the two of you, you both okay?" She asked, shining her flashlight to give Evie help in the dark room.

Lydia was visibly thrown off by the question, whilst Evie answered, though trying to concentrate, attempting to clean the wound the best she could.

"Dad locked us in a cupboard." She said. "To make sure we weren't in the way, I won't kill and she won't kill her people."

"So where is he?"

"Taking them all on by himself." She scoffed.

"Your father is a fucking idiot." Natalia growled.

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