Chapter 7

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Hey this Aryan's point of view, i hope it will help you guys understand why Imlie is reluctant to forgive him..and please do give lots of comments.


Aryan went back to his room, he took the wedding photo that was kept on the side table and caressed it, he chuckled thinking about their first meeting, he had genuinely wanted to help her but as usual his Jungli had misunderstood him.

His Di and her had become the best of friends, add to the fact that she had started doing internship in Bhaskar times..the first day of her internship..she had helped with him with his panick attack..but he was deliberately rude to her..because he hated being weak..

But most of the time he had felt conflicted because he was on a mission to take revenge from Aditya Tripathi, he would give him the toughest of jobs but still he was able to complete.. and he felt jealous of Aditya and Imlie's closeness in office..

They started to form a bond when he saw her in simple white  anarkali suit for a function and how she had defended him..and what irked him even more was that Babusaheb person..he didn't like that there was someone in her life.

After she came to know about her father's truth, Imlie was letting the sadness affect her and her Aeyan had no choice but to talk rudely to her and give her an buckle up or lose the internship..he had also gotten to know that Imlie was married and her husband had left her.

After he had came back..feeling irritated because he was getting affected by Imlie's sadness..he even got a nightmare in which Imlie and Aditya were lovers..

He had woken up screaming and breaking everything in the room..and then Imlie had arrived and he had hugged her tightly just to keep her close to him. For a sting operation..Aryan had joined Imlie's college and he enjoyed how much she was getting affected seeing other girls close to him.

Imlie and Malini had gotten kidnapped during the sting operation and Aryan had saved them..and Imlie started living with Rathore's but due to fight and Imlie being told to leave the hostel..she went to Pagdandiya..and Aryan had gone to Pagdandiya to get her back.

On the other hand..Aditya was getting suspicious that Aryan had some ulterior motive against him..and was trying to find the truth..

And with each passing day his feelings for were changing as well and he was not ready to accept it..and then suddenly an opportunity opened up for the revenge he had long forgotten.

Anu Chaturvedi had invited him to the engagement party of her daughter and Aditya Kumar Tripathi, and he was ready to exploit any situation only to find Imlie there..

Ar- Imlie?? Tum yahan??

Im- ABP..woh actually humare Jiju and Malini di ka engagement..

Ar- Jiju??

Im- Han..Aditya Kumar Tripathi is my Jiju..

After that he had not spoken a word to Imlie, he watched both families and finally got to know that the elder Tripathi has been losing money in gambling and he was talking to someone on phone and he had promised to keep his house on mortgage and return the money.

He had used the situation to force Imlie to marry him but it was under the guise of helping the Tripathi' was on their wedding night that she got to know the truth..

Im- ABP..thank you for helping my family..

Ar- Thank you?? I didn't help them Imlie..i have brought that house and i am allowing them to live there..but if my mood changes i will throw them out of there as well.

Im- W..what..are ..

Ar- Did you really think that i loved you?? Naa i wanted revenge from Aditya and now you wait and watch how i will destroy him..

But he knew how stubborn Imlie was, she had accepted his challenge to protect the Tripathi's and boy did she found out the Truth that not only was his Jiju alive he was in coma from several years..

That night when the truth came out and he actually realized that he had hurt Imlie so much..he had begged for her forgiveness and they actually spent a night together as husband and wife but like a coward he lied to her again that he didn't remember what happened.

By evening she had left the Rathore mansion and the next day he was served the divorce papers..he had tried many times to go and meet her but the Tripathi's would give one reason that she had left and they didn't know where she had gone..

Ar-(looking at the photo)- What should i do to convince you?? Everything is a mess..but i won't give up..i will try again to win you back i promise..

Ps- Hey i know you will have lots of questions after reading this..but for that you will have to read the flashback episodes..hope now the situation is clear..and what mess our Ghonchu Rathore had created??

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