Chapter One

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"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
-Roald Dahl

A/N before you read. PLEASEEEEE read the description of the book. It has notes in there so you aren't confused. Thank you

"Drea, darling hurry up! They are waiting for us at the station!" I heard my father yell from what was most likely the sitting room.
I quickly threw on my shoes, grabbed my cat's crate, and grabbed my trunk. Each step I took was slower than the next as I dragged the trunk down the hallway to the stairs. The trunk was incredibly heavy and the noise the trunk made against the hardwood floor made me want to avada myself.

"You need to use your legs, not your back," my father laughed as he made his way up to the stairs.
I rolled my eyes in response and dropped the trunk, sighing.

"I mean I wasn't offering to help," he gave me a sly smile.

"Come on Padfoot, please?" I begged him.

"Alright, alright. Better start working out if you want to make the quidditch team this year," he winked.

"Oh no, you too?" I rolled my eyes and walked down the steps.

Ever since Harry miraculously got on the team first year after some sheer dumb luck, Uncle James and father had been begging me to join the quidditch team as well.

"There's nothing bad about following in your families footsteps!" My father yelled back from down the stairs.

"I'm perfectly happy watching people almost die from the comfort of the stands, thank you."

As my father met me at the bottom of the steps, I quickly took a look in the mirror to fix my long brown curly hair.

I was just about to start my third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In my first year, I was sorted into Gryffindor. As much as my father said he didn't mind if I was sorted into another house, I knew he was happy I was sorted where he had been.

I had been sorted with into Gryffindor with my bestfriend Harry, Uncle James and Aunt Lily's son. Our parents went on about it for the whole year, not to mention they have been hoping for this since our birth. They had told us how to get under McGonagalls and Professor Snape's skin, and various other secrets about Hogwarts. To say they were proud we could hold up to their legacy was an understatement, although much to Aunt Lily's distaste.

Along with being sorted with Harry, we had met our other best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Hermione was certainly the brightest witch of our age, and Ron, well he was a Weasley.

"Ready, Little Padfoot?" My father asked as he made his way to the door with my trunk.

I nodded as we made our way down the drive to the taxi that was waiting to take us to King's Cross.

In order to get to the station, wizards had to make sure not to draw unnecessary attention to themselves. This meant muggle travel for almost all wizards.

The station was bustling with people from all over on their way to their destinations. As quick as we could we made our way to platform 9 3/4.
My father always made me go through first, in order to make sure I safely arrived onto the platform.
I leaned against the wall and vanished to the other side. I watched as my father and my luggage made their way through next.

I looked around the crowded platform and saw Aunt Lily and Uncle James, who were saying goodbye to Harry.

"Hi Aunt Lily!" I said as I ran to her.

"Oh hey, darling how are you? Excited for third year?" She said as she leans down and whispered, "and to see Ginny and Hermione" she gave me a wink.

I laughed. Her and my Aunt Tonks are the only ones who understand what it is like to be stuck with only boys all the time. Without them on holiday, I would go insane.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now