Chapter Six

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"Never trust your fears they don't know your strength"
-Athena Singh

After Care of Magical Creatures we made our way up to the castle for lunch.
As I gathered food onto my plate, I told Fred and George about the Hippogriff.

"Wow I wish we had Hagrid as a teacher" Fred said.
"He's probably one of the best we've had for that class," George finished.

"I wouldn't be so sure he told Harry and Hermione his plan for next week is blast-ended skewts." I said rolling my eyes. Fred looked at me with a horrified expression knowing that those are one of Hagrids random breeding creations and that nothing good could possibly come of it.
I laughed and said "don't worry we will be okay, I'm sure."

After lunch, Hermione and I had a free period while Harry and Ron had divination. Her and I dropped Divination class to take muggle studies, since we are positively certain the professor who taught divination is a kook.

Hermione left to study in her room and I made my way to the library. As I sat down at one of the tables to get a head start on my essay for potions, I noticed Draco sitting in the back across from me, sitting with Pansy Parkinson.
Pansy was a Slytherin in our year who constantly hung around the Slytherin boys. There was almost never a time you'd see her and they weren't nearby. She has had a particular obsession with Draco since first year. Quite honestly, I am not sure whether or not Draco's feelings are mutual.

I watched as she twirled her hair in her finger in a flirtatious manner and stared at him while he talked, acting as if everything he said was groundbreaking.
I rolled my eyes, pathetic really. One of the things the Slytherin boys are known for is their knack to get girls, and being proud of it.

As I watched, Draco noticed me looking and mouthed the words "help me," making me laugh.
I looked back down and continued on with my essay, trying not to pay attention to them.
About fifteen minutes later, Pansy left and I saw Draco walk over to me.

"You didn't save me," he fake pouted and sat down next to me.
"I mean it looked like you were getting along quite nice," I said laughing.
"Nah, she's liked me since first year, but I honestly can't stand her. She's a good friend but she's awfully annoying," he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I laughed in response.
"Working on potions?" He asked as he looked at my essay.
"Yeah I figured I'd better get a start on the homework since he's already piling it on us," I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know why he hates you" Draco said.
"Oh I do, it's because mine and Harry's fathers practically bullied him when he was at Hogwarts. He liked my Aunt Lily, Harry's mum, and she turned him down for Uncle James." I explained although, instantly regretting saying it. I'm not sure Snape would go lightly if he found out I said anything about his personal business.

"Damn" Draco said, "He holds a grudge" he laughed.
"Well if you ever need help let me know. I'm pretty good in potions" he boast.
"Yeah we know Snape won't let us live it down," I said half annoyed.

He chuckled before asking, "Listen.. I was going to ask you, are you going to the tower tonight? I didn't want to impose on you.."
"Oh, probably, but I'm not sure when. You can send me an owl and check.. Or if I see you I'll just wait," I said.

"Okay, yeah that sounds good." He looked at me and smiled and walked away.
I sat for a little while longer trying to finish my essay before my last class of the day, Defense Agaisnt the Dark Arts.

I walked into class excited because this was the class my Uncle Moony taught. As I looked around I saw everyone gathered in the middle of the classroom, the desks pushed up against the walls with a cabinet towards the front of the room. I suddenly realized what it was, a boggart. Uncle Remus had told us he would be teaching us about them this year.

Uncle Remus started class and told us the spell used to repel a boggart was, Riddikulus.

"This class is ridiculous," I heard Malfoy say making Nott and Riddle laugh.
I rolled my eyes and shot a look at the boys.
Draco just smirked as if he didn't care.
Which was typical. Malfoy constantly was making remarks in every class if the teacher held different briefs than him.
We spent the first couple of minutes practicing the spell without our wands before he let us do it in front of the real thing.

"Alright, line up!" He said as we all pushed into line, everyone was eager to go against the creature. Personally, I made sure to go to the back of the line because I did not want to face my worst fear.

Neville was first, making Uncle Remus use him as a demonstration.
"Neville is it?" Uncle Remus asked.
Neville shook his head in response.
Neville was shaking head to toe, you could tell he was nervous.
"What are you afraid of?" Uncle Moony asked.
"Snape," Neville whispered.
The class laughed at Neville's answer and I heard Nott mumble something to Malfoy, making him laugh. I turned around and shot a quick look at them. Malfoy rolled his eyes and whispered to me
"Got a crush on Longbottom do you?"

I rolled my eyes back and ignored him, continuing to listen to what Uncle Moony was saying.
"Understandable. Now when that boggart comes out I want you to picture-" and professors voice trialed off as he whispered to Neville.

With a flick of his wand Uncle Remus opened up the cabinet and out came Professor Snape. Neville shook in horror, making everyone laugh again, but Uncle Remus reminded him the name of the spell.
Neville took out his wand and pointed it at Snape, Riddikulus!
The entire classroom erupted into laughter as Snape's clothes transformed into Neville's grandma's clothes.

The next girl confidently stood and the boggart transformed from Snape into a snake. As I looked at the giant snake in front of her, I looked away. Snakes were not my worst fear, but seeing one that huge made me nervous.
When she shout "riddikulus" the snake turned into a jack in the box, which made the class break out in laughter once again.

Next, Ron stepped in front of the Boggart and I knew it would turn into a spider. Countless times I have see him cower when a spider crawls anywhere near him. Last year, we accidentally stumbled upon Aragog who is a Acromantula, and he nearly passed out in fear.

I saw his hand shake as he brought his wand up to point at the boggart, Riddikulus! He yelled and the giant spider quickly struggled to walk as it wore eight roller skates.
After Ron, there were a few more people and thankfully I never had to go.

After class we made our way to the common room to hang out before dinner. I played exploding snap with Ron while Hermione and Harry sat by the fireplace.

At some point Hermione made her way towards me and whispered,
"You should really talk to him you know," she said as she glanced at Harry.

"I know... I will tomorrow," I said as I looked over at Harry.
Hermione gave me a look saying she disagreed, but I ignored her.

Before long it was dinner and we all made our way down to the Great Hall. Before we entered, Cho Chang grabbed Harry and pulled him away from us. I watched as they made their way to the other end of the hall, talking.

I walked into the hall with Hermione, "what was that about?" I asked as I jerked my head towards where Cho and Harry are.
"I'm not sure," she shrugged, "Although the girls have been talking about Cho possibly liking Harry," she finished.
I raised an eyebrow at her.
She shrugged her shoulders in response as we made our way to our table.

As I filled my plate up with dinner, I realized that I had not received a letter yet from Draco on whether he was going to the tower. I tried to catch his eye at the table to ask him, but he never looked up.

After dinner I decided to head to the tower anyways, if he was there I could just join him or sit on the other side of the tower.

Before heading to the tower I ran to my dorm and put on a maroon jumper and black leggings so I could be more comfortable. On my way out, I grabbed a blanket to lay down on.

When I got up to the tower, I looked in to see if Draco was there. That was when I noticed Cho and Harry snogging.
I stood there in disbelief as I watched them, I could feel anger make it's way through me. They noticed someone was there, and jumped back. I stood there for a moment as Cho looked at me apologetically, and I looked at Harry who refused to meet my eyes.
I walked away as I heard Harry yell something to me, but I didn't turn around.

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