Chapter Twenty-Five

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"The best part is I wasn't even looking when I found you."

We sat on the blanket looking out at the stars, our hands intertwined, his arms around me. It was a beautiful clear night, you could see thousands of stars. I turned to look at him and said "you know if you look at the Big Dipper, the two stars at the end of the Big Dippers cup, point right to the North Star."

I took the hand that wasn't holding his and pointed to the Big Dipper and followed it to the North Star, showing him.
He raised his hand and pointed in the complete opposite direction as me, making me laugh.
"No here," I giggled, wrapping my hand around his wrist to move him in the right direction.
"Here?" He pointed again slightly moving his hand.
I laughed,"No, here!" I moved his hand again, back towards me and to the Big Dipper.
He looked at me again, his grey eyes filled with that familiar feeling of warmth, "here?" He whispered.
I looked to see where he was pointing, but before I could turn my head, his hand brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes. I looked up at him, "Draco, we-" and he cupped his hands on my cheeks and leaned in.

I sat up quickly and looked around my dorm room, as my alarm clock went off.
Shit, just a dream.
I dropped back down on my bed, letting out a sigh. The dreams had started the minute we declared we couldn't do anything about how we felt for each other.

Just friends, the two words I absolutely loathed.

Two weeks had gone by since the last time Draco and I had been up in the tower. We had talked some since, but kept our distance the best we could. Nott and I hung out in the library almost every weekend so I could help in in Care of Magical Creatures. It was nice getting to know Nott more, and I really enjoyed spending time with him. I hated to admit it, but it was helping me get past my feelings for Draco.

Finally, after hearing my alarm go off for a few more moments, I decided it was time to get up and get ready for the day.
Thankfully, it was Saturday and as I looked at the date, it was exactly one month till my birthday. I slowly got up and made my bed and walked to the shower.

I turned on the shower and stood there as the cooler water hit my face, instantly waking me up. I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower, wrapping my hair up in the towel to dry. It was finally getting warmer out. it was a beautiful day and I planned on spending my time down at the lake reading, after heading to Hagrid's.

I put on a long white T-shirt and leggings and did my makeup. I decided on light makeup, with just mascara. I put my hair in a messy bun, fully knowing I'll regret it later. You should never put curly, wet hair in a bun. Frankly, I didn't have time to dry it and I was just lazy.

I pulled down two curls to frame my face, grabbed my checkered Vans, and walked down to breakfast. I took my time walking down to the Great Hall, my thoughts on my dream. I had missed Draco, as much as I hated to admit it. I tried to hate him like Harry, but I couldn't. He had changed, and I knew more about him than before.

As I rounded one of the corners a familiar voice caught my attention and I looked up. It was Draco with some brown haired girl. Draco was leaning against the wall and the girl looked very into whatever he was saying. As I got closer, I walked as quickly as I could passed them. I took one quick glance and realized it was Astoria Greengrass.

She was in her second year at Hogwarts, and also a Slytherin. I rolled my eyes and kept going, trying to not let it bother me. I kept my pace up as I walked to the Great Hall, and when I got to the doors I heard,
"Yo, Black," I looked up and saw Theo.
He was leaning up against the wall by the doors, one knee propped up against the wall and a tooth pick in his mouth.
I laughed, "trying to sound cool, Nott?" I walked over to him.
"Is it working?" He said lowering his eyes at me.
"Not at all," I laughed, "You really are the Slytherin class clown," I finished.
"Thank you Black, I really pride myself in that fact," he said puffing out his chest proudly.

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