Chapter Eleven- The party

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"Sometimes the place you are used to is not the place you belong."
- From the film The Queen of Katwe

***Dreas POV****
Once I met up with the group, they immediately bombarded me and asked me tons of questions about what happened.
"We've never seen you so fired up before, what happened?" Hermione asked as she sat on the red velvet couch in front of the fireplace.

I told them everything that had happened, avoiding eye contact with Harry assuming he would have an I told you so look.

"Once you walked away, Malfoy punched Nott for making a comment about your mom," Ron said.

I rolled my eyes, "why would he care what Nott said?"
"It's Malfoy, he's temperamental," Harry said, which made me laugh.

I sat there quietly as the others talked more. I was still so mad that I had thought Draco was changing; that he was different.

We went to our last classes of the day, which went by incredibly slow. I just wanted to go to the party and forget today's events. Finally, the last bell of the day sounded and we were dismissed from our classes. I decided to take a nap before dinner in hopes it would make time go faster.

After an hour and a half, my alarm woke me up for the feast. I quickly matted down my hair to make it look as if I wasn't just sleeping and left to meet the others.

We walked into the Dining Hall as a choir was singing a song about Halloween. It was one of my favorite things about Hogwarts, Dumbledore went all out when it came to holidays.
The tables were lined with delicious food. I looked around and saw chicken thighs, with potatoes and vegetables. I quickly grabbed a serving and began eating.

After awhile, I looked at the Slytherin table. I expected to see Draco looking at me but instead it was Nott. He had a small cut on his cheek, probably from where Draco had punched him earlier. He looked at me and smiled a sympathetic smile, that seemed to say I'm sorry. I rolled my eyes in response. It seemed silly that just a few weeks prior we all were hanging out like we were friends.


After dinner, I walked with Ginny and Hermione to my dorm to get ready for the party.

Hermione had helped me with my hair, we decided to keep my natural curls, but add a little mousse to help make them neater.
She helped me part my hair in the middle, and then I took a small rubber band and took a tiny section of the top of my hair so it was pinned down; then I did the same to the other side.

I helped Hermione with her hair, slicking it back into a bun with two braids down the side.

Ginny did my make up with champagne shimmery colored eyeshadow, accented with winged eyeliner, and mascara. The champagne eyeshadow accented my blue eyes perfectly. When we all were done with makeup and hair we each got into our dresses.
I decided to wear a burgundy silk dress, that had spaghetti straps and a tiny slit in my dress and gold sandals.

Ginny had decided to crash the party, after begging Fred and George to let her.
"What kind of brothers do you think we are? We can't let our baby sister go to a party with boys who are much older than her!" They said in unison, laughing as they walked away.

Ginny wore a blue flowered dress that made her look older then she was, she looked gorgeous. Hermione came in with a pink dress with off the shoulder sleeves.
I could hear the music blaring from downstairs already. We quickly took a picture with each other in the mirror and then we left to go to the party.

As we entered the common room I watched as orange and purple lights danced throughout.
People would dance throughout the room, as the music would switch from something Halloween-like, to something normal.

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