Chapter Thirty-eight

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"Closed one chapter, time to start another one."

Once we had left the Quidditch World Cup, Harry and I stayed with the Weasleys at the burrow. My father along with Uncle James said they would meet us at the train station a few days later.

When I woke up that morning, everyone was a bit sad holiday was ending. It was hard to miss, even Fred and George not being in the mood to prank.

Bill and Charlie, the oldest of the Weasleys decided to see us off at the station. Charlie worked with dragons and it was insanely cool to talk to him about it. Percy had regretfully not joined us, because he really needed to work. We all rolled our eyes and pretended to deeply care he'd be missing from our trip to the station.

Ever since Percy started working for the ministry he got even more intolerable. He would nonstop talk about his job and how he was so important.

His boss didn't even know his name.


We arrived at Kings Cross Station as the rain was pouring down heavily. We quickly grabbed our suitcases from the muggle taxi we road in and made our way to the train.

Once on the platform, we met with our family.
"Be safe now, dear." Aunt Lily said squeezing me tight.
"Always," I reassured her.

"Keep Teddy out of trouble," Tonks winked at me.

"I'll try," I laughed.

Last my father hugged me tight, "I love you Little Padfoot,"

"I love you too"

I couldn't help but feel him squeezing me a little tighter this year.

As I waited for Harry to finish talking to the Weasleys, I overheard Charlie saying to Harry he'd be seeing us soon and I wondered what he meant by that.

The train ride was pretty uneventful and we finally talked a bit about what had happened at the World Cup. After awhile though, I snuggled up against the window and fell asleep. When we finally arrived at Hogsmede station, we boarded the carriages and took off towards the castle. Thankfully, I had yet to run into Malfoy.

Finally, we arrived at the castle and we all made our way into the Great Hall. It all looked the same as it usually did, splendid. The hall was decorated into our house colors and the finest of china was used for the feast. We took our seats at our table and awaited the sorting hat ceremony that sorted the new first years.

Once everyone was sorted, the feast began and we all quickly dug in to the delicious dinner. I tuned out conversation as I was starving and I looked up in time to see Hermione looking awfully pissed about something.

"Did you hear that Drea?" I shook my head and raised an eyebrow curiously at her.

"There are house elves in the kitchen!" Hermione exclaimed and she put her fork down and refused to eat. Hermione had been going on about the unfair treatment of house elves ever since she ran into the ministers house elf at the World Cup.

Thankfully, Professor Dumbledore cleared the plates and started announcements which cut off our conversation.

Dumbledore had gone on about the rules or changes in the year, and announced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who was Mad-Eye Moody.

Mad-Eye was a former Auror for the ministry and fought along side my family during the first war. He was well known to be a kook and the hall quickly filled up in conversation about the new professor.

Suddenly Dumbledores next words cut us all off, "it is my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year." The Great Hall quickly silenced and I turned to see the Gryffindor players who all looked shocked and upset. Quidditch was one of the things everyone looked forward to every year. Now that that is taken away what will we look forward to now?

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