Chapter Fifty- The First Task Part 2

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"But then we rise, we heal, and we overcome"

Mr. Crouch ushered us around him.

"Now Miss Delacour, if you will."

He then brought the purple bag to her and she hesitantly put her hand inside and grabbed a miniature dragon.

Her dragon seemed to be the green one that we had seen with Hagrid.

"The Welsh Green," Mr. Crouch said as Fleur glanced at her headmistress Madame Maxime.

Mr. Crouch then turned to Krum and he pulled out the Chinese Fireball. After Krum, he moved to Cedric who grabbed the Swedish Short-Snout.

This left two dragons left for Harry and I and one of them being the Hungarian Horntail.

I swallowed as he turned to me next, "Ms. Black, if you will."

I shakily put my hand into the bag and grabbed one of the dragons, as I looked at the dragon, I sighed in relief.

"The Romanian Longhorn," Mr. Crouch said and then continued, "Which leaves.... The Hungarian Horntail."

I looked at Harry as he looked down at the dragon and gulped. I smiled to try and reassure him, but I knew I had failed.

No amount of preparation could prepare us for what was about to come.

Dumbledore took over the talking and began to give us the directions, "These represent five very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue, without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?"

All of us made nervous glances around each other, "Very well, good luck. Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may exit the tent and start your task," Dumbledore finished.

As the cannon sound you could hear the crowd chanting Diggory's name, with one look back he gave me a small smile and stepped out into the arena.

One by one the Champions left, until it was only Harry and I left in the tent. I was sure that my heart was going to beat out of my chest and I was trying everything I could to stay focused on the task at hand.

Suddenly I heard Dumbledore's voice bellow, "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons. So each one of them proceed to the next task, and now our fourth contestant will face hers now," I tuned out the rest of the speech as I made my way to the opening of the tent.

"You'll do great LP," Harry said as he quickly gave me a hug.

I nodded to him and anxiously tugged at my necklace. The cannon sound and I quickly kissed my necklace, needing all the good luck I could get as I entered the arena, to the crowd that was now chanting my name.

It took a second for my eyes to get adjusted to the light as I stepped out. I blinked to make the arena clearer, and I saw giant rocks that were used as the terrain.

I didn't expect it to be easy but damn. At least they added boulders to make it easier on us, I thought sarcastically.

As I looked around I saw the dragon across the arena and looked to my left to see the golden egg.

I quickly made my way over climbing a huge rock. As I grabbed a hold of a place in the rock, giant claws came right next to my face. I screamed as I quickly dodged out of the way of the next blow.

I dodged the dragon but i missed placed my step and found myself rolling and hitting the ground with a hard thud.

Gasps could be heard all around the arena as I laid there for a moment. I could hear the crowd start to murmur thinking I was hurt which brought me back. I quickly blinked myself back to reality and got up just in time for the dragon to strike where I just lay.

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