Chapter Fifty-seven The Night Before Dreas POV

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"We think about each other a little too often to be just friends."
- faraway

The entire morning before the ball was spent trying on dresses in Hogsmede with Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

Funny enough, Ron refused to ask Hermione to the ball and she was now going with Viktor Krum.

The funny part is Ron has no clue who she's going with and it's going to be hilarious to see his reaction when she enters with Krum.

The boys were very reluctant to come to Hogsmede with us, but after a little persuasion they agreed. As we tried on dresses, Ron basically sat in the corner and looked like a child who's mother forced him to come and Harry grabbed anything we needed or held anything we wanted.

I found my dress right away as it was the second dress I tried on. Both Hermione and Ginny approved it immediately.

Hermione found hers relatively quick as well, it was a beautiful pink dress that had layers on the skirt and a black belt. She looked gorgeous, and Ron completley avoided his gaze as she showed us all in the dressing rooms.

Ginny took the longest but eventually she picked a beautiful light green silk gown that hung off her shoulders. As she came out and showed us, I noticed Harry could barely make out any words when she asked how she looked.

Before long we were on our way back to Hogwarts. It was snowing and it hadn't stopped for days. The air was cold and it was hard to walk through the pile of snow on the pathways and the blowing snow in our faces. Eventually we made it to the castle and brought our stuff to the dorm rooms.

The rest of the evening was spent in the common room warming up by the fire. That is... until Nott had interrupted our game of exploding snap, when he abruptly made his arrival and asked to hang out.

We walked the castle for a little bit before we headed to the Slytherin common room. We sat on the green velvet couches and talked about the ball tomorrow and about the pranks the Weasley twins had been pulling recently.

Suddenly Malfoy approached us, "Oh hey, Malfoy," I said, but he completely ignored me.

I took in his appearance and realized he was holding his fist tight, and his eyes were close to popping out of their sockets. I knew he thought something was going on between Theo and I, which made me suppress a laugh.

After Draco told me he didn't care about me, I went back to my dorm and cried thinking he meant it.

That was until Theo asked me to the ball, then I knew he still cared. Theo wouldn't have asked me to the ball. He knew how I felt about Draco first of all, and second of all Draco would've at least given him a black eye.

Malfoy has no idea that I know he made Nott ask me to the ball, and it was hilarious how jealous he got. Whenever Theo and I would walk to the library, Malfoy would immediately leave. If Draco saw us anywhere else, he'd stare at us from a distance and not say a word.

It was getting harder each day to not burst out that I knew what he was doing, well sort of knew. I just wasn't sure exactly why he had Nott ask me.

Nott had caught on as well and said "let's go talk for a second, Malfoy." He stood up and grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him across the common room to the windows that looked out underneath the Black Lake.

I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but I could sense Draco was inches away from beating Nott to a pulp. I walked up on them as I heard Nott say,

"Dammit Draco. Listen go tell her-"

"Go tell her what?" I said back as I crossed my arms and glared at the two boys.

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