Chapter Twenty-one

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"For the moments that don't seem like anything but are everything."

I jumped out of bed the next morning and knocked on the boy's doors like I do every Christmas morning.
"Let's go! Get up!! Get up!!" I yelled and waited impatiently by the top of the stairs. I was minutes away from knocking down both of their bedroom doors, which they so intelligently locked, and grabbing them by their hair down to breakfast. Every year I always wake up first and every year I swear they take longer and longer to get up, just to torture me.

After what felt like forever, they both walked out of their rooms. Harry was in red plaid pajamas and a grey shirt, his hair messy as ever. Teddy was wearing blue pajama pants and a black shirt, his hair now green in the spirit of Christmas.

We raced down the steps and sat at the long table, waiting for Aunt Lily and Tonks to finish breakfast. No matter how much we wanted to open up our presents, we had to wait until after breakfast.

Harry and I helped set the table and Teddy helped carry the food over to the dinning table. Finally, we were able to sit down and eat. Aunt Lily and Tonks had prepared a spectacular feast with waffles, eggs, bacon, and biscuits and gravy. It was delicious.

Like normal, Harry, Teddy, and I chowed down our food as fast as possible, cleaned up our plates, and ran into the living room to wait for our parents.

After what seemed like hours, we had all finally gathered in the living room to open presents.
We each carefully picked our first present, and held them in our laps. Our parents made us open our presents one at a time and the youngest always went first.

Teddy hurriedly opened the long package and inside of it was a new broom. His parents always encouraged him in everything he wanted to do. I was almost positive that the moment Teddy said he wanted to try out for quidditch yesterday, Tonks went right out and bought a broom.

Teddy looked at his parents and thanked them. Tonks' (whom I would call Aunt Nymphadora, but she extremely disliked that name and Aunt Tonks sounded too weird) hair was purple today and she was wearing an incredibly ugly Christmas sweater and jeans, and Uncle Remus had a sweater to match. They were an odd couple, but they fit each other well. Tonks loved Uncle Remus despite the fact he was a werewolf, she saw beauty in him and she was one of the reasons I chose to love others despite what may be the norm.

Now it was Harry's turn, I was older than Harry by three months since my birthday was April 11th and his July 31st.
Christmas was the only time that I really disliked being older than him.

Harry opened his gift and it was a cloak, immediately the three of us kids gasped, and our parents beamed at us.
"The invisibility cloak!" I said extremely excited and slightly jealous.

They had told us stories about using this cloak at school for tons of pranks. My favorite story was when they used the cloak to sneak down into the laundry to change the color of Snape's robes. They also managed to dye his hair a matching shade of lilac.

Teddy, Harry, and I grinned at each other knowing how beneficial this would be along with the map.

Wow, thanks!" Harry said, and his mum and father told him he needs to use it responsibly, but I'm almost positive Uncle James winked at me when he said it.

Now it was my turn, I opened my preset and it was a framed photo of my fathers paw print, in the corner was a little note that read:

I'm with you every step of the way,

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