Chapter Thirty-one- Birthday Part two

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"You know, I don't think it's what we say that keeps us up at night. I think it's what we don't say."

**Dreas POV**

Even after breakfast Draco still ignored me. I thought we had been on good terms, but maybe I was mistaken. Even if him and his girlfriend are having problems, it was my birthday, he should at least say something to me.

I had decided to not let him ruin my day, and to make the most of it. Theo and I held hands while we all walked out of the castle. Us Gryffindors, including Teddy, were headed to Hagrid's, and the Slytherins went to the lake to wait for us.

As we made our way down the hill the slight breeze hit us and I breathed in the smell of the spring flowers. It really is a beautiful day, I thought. If only Malfoy would get his head out of his ass and talk to me, I quickly threw the thought out of my mind and thought of my birthday party later.

As we entered Hagrid's hut, I sat at one of the chairs and Fang came and put his head in my lap I pet his head as Hagrid brought over a cup of tea.
"Happy Birfday, Drea," Hagrid said.
I smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

"Hagrid, have you heard about the rumors of an upcoming evil force?" Harry asked.
I rolled my eyes, as Hermione shot him a look and said, "Harry enough of this!"

It took a bit for Hagrid to answer, but eventually he replied, "I uhhh, most certainly have heard of 'em."

"I should not have said that" he said while shaking his head.

He seemed nervous.

"So? Are they true?" Harry edged on.
"Harry, really I think we should give it a rest," I gave him a pleading look.
Hagrid looked down, and then at us "I really shouldn't be talking erbout this with yer all... I think it's best you go. Off you go!" And with that he pushed us out the door.

Before he shut the door he gave me a hug and said "happy birthday," and then shut the door in our faces.

We all glared at Harry, "what the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron finally saying something.
"He knows something, we have to-" Harry started to say and then Hermione said,
"Enough! Let's leave this alone for today, okay?" Her eyes were daggers at Harry as she said this.
"Okay fine, I'll drop it," He answered and we left to go towards the lake.

When we arrived at the lake, the boys were at their rock. Malfoy had his guitar out and they were all laughing and singing. As we got closer, Theo glanced up and rushed over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away.
We both laughed as Theo dragged me back towards the castle, "Where are we going," I managed to get out.
"Shh just follow me!" He smiled as we continued running closer to the castle.

Once he made a turn behind the castle, I realized we were headed to our tree. When we got there, there was a beautiful picnic set out with light snacks.

"Oh, Theo, this is so sweet of you," I kissed his cheek and leaned against the tree.
We sat there snacking on the fruits he had for us. Theo was making me laugh as he put a grape in front of his eye and pretended to be a pirate.
Theo really was charming, in every way. I should be falling for him harder than I am, but I'm not and I'm not sure why. Well thats a lie, I do know why, but Malfoy couldn't be mine, and I had to accept it. However, no matter how hard I tried, it seemed that invisible string was always there, tugging me to him.

Theo grabbed my cheek, pulling me out of my trance. He held his fingertips to my chin and said
"You're distracted again, love" I looked down, hoping he wouldn't ask what I was thinking about.
I looked back up and smiled, "God I love your smile," he said as he leaned in and kissed me.
Thoughts were flooding my mind as we kissed, I should be feeling something more, anything.
Why don't I feel anything? God, Malfoy can give me butterflies by just looking at me.. what the hell is wrong with me.

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