Chapter Eighteen- The Yule Ball, Draco's POV

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"If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you."

- Niall Horan


The whole night was spent tossing and turning, not being able to sleep. It wasn't the nightmares keeping me up, but being too nervous for the ball.

At some point I had drifted off to sleep, and had been woken up far too early by my alarm. I lazily made my way to my closet and got dressed into my jeans and a dark green sweatshirt, and left for breakfast.

As we sat down and ate I looked over at the Gryffindor table, Black looked tired, but beautiful. She saw me looking at her and she smiled at me, I smiled back and mouthed "see you later," and continued to eat. After breakfast we all hung out at the dorms and I sent Drea a letter,

Meet you at the Great Hall entrance.
I can't wait.

I gave the letter to my owl and went to hang out with the boys in the common room to pass the time.
The day went by slow, each moment passing felt as antagonizing as the next. At long last it was was time to get ready for the Ball. I made my way up to my dorm and put on my white dress robes and my black dress pants. The last piece to the puzzle was the silver bow tie to match Drea's dress.

On my way out the door to meet the guys, I grabbed my black dress jacket.
As I walked down the stairs, Theo whistled at me, "Damn Malfoy, want to go with me instead?" he winked.
"You'd like that too much, Nott," I said laughing.

The boys were all meeting their dates in the common room, Blaise took some second year, Theo took Daphne Greengrass, and Mattheo took Pansy. Greengrass had forced us guys to all take a photo together, and then I walked to the Great Hall to meet Drea.

I stood waiting by the stairs for her, fidgeting with my rings and exchanging awkward glances between Potter and Weasley.

After about ten minutes, I felt everyone's eyes turn to the stairs and gasp.
"She's beautiful," Weasley said.
My heart started to beat fast as I saw her, it was as if everyone else in the room disappeared, "Yeah she is," I whispered.

Her hair was in her natural curls with a little bit pinned back. Her dress was silver with flowery accents and subtle sparkles. She looked stunning and I couldn't help but stare at her. I watched as she made her way down and I quickly made my way over to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

I took her hand and said, "You look absolutely stunning, darling."
We walked hand in hand by Potter and Weasley, I looked over as I saw Potter staring at us and I winked at him.

We walked into the Great Hall and I'm sure it was decorated beautifully, but nothing in that room could compare to how beautiful she looked. I led her to a round table so we could sit and eat.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I probably looked like an idiot.
"What?" She said smiling at me.
"What?" I said, unsure of what she was asking.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" She said, he face growing a little pink.
"I mean, you're beautiful, Drea," I answered smiling at her.
She blushed as she looked down at her hands.

We ate a few snacks and after awhile a few people walked over to tell Drea how beautiful she looked, and to take pictures with us.
We took a few pictures together and after awhile I said, "May I have this dance?"

She laughed as she took my hand and I lead her to the dance floor. Each Yule Ball starts out the same, we have to have a few formal dances before we can get to the fun part.

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