Chapter Forty-three- The Choosing of the Champions

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"The worst nightmares are experienced with eyes wide awake."

After breakfast we all marched down to Hagrid's hut since it had been awhile since we had gone for a visit. Harry knocked on the door, and Hagrid opened it beaming. I looked at his appearance and although everything about Hagrid was odd, he was dressed even odder today.

He was wearing a brown hairy suit, and a checkered tie. His hair seemed to be neater, and was parted by some sort of grease into two bunches. I looked at the group and we e gave each other awkward glances at his appearance.

"Come on in ya lot" Hagrid said, motioning is inside.

He made us tea as we sat down and Hagrid said "yeh just wait! Yer gonna see stuff you havent seen! Ah but I don' wanna spoil it for yer."

"Keep going!" We all said in unison but Hagrid shook his head.

"no I've said enough already," he paused and then continued, "but it is going to be spectacular! I never thought I live ter see the day when there would be another Triwizard tournament."

We sat and talked awhile with Hagrid about upcoming beasts we would meet in Care of Magical Creatures, and then we decided to go hang out at the lake.

Autumn had now shown its colors around the castle and along with it brought chillier weather. The clouds were hanging low over the lake as we sat down at our normal rock. I looked out at the surrounding landscape and looked at the bright red, yellow, and orange colors that blanketed the hills.

"What do you think the first task will be?" Ron asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Hermione answered.

"Thats a first," Ron croaked which made Harry choke back a laugh and Hermione smack Ron.

After awhile the Slytherin boys had made their way to their normal spot a few yards away, "I'll be right back," I said and made my way over to the boys.

"Hey, Black. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Zabini said as I approached the boys.

"Oh what? You didn't miss me, Zabini?" I smirked and took a seat next to Malfoy and Nott.

"Actually, Black can I talk to you for a second?" Riddle hesitantly looked at me as he said this, "uh, sure," and we walked together over towards the shore of the lake.

"Listen, about your Uncle, honestly it wasn't against you-"

I cut him off "It may not have been against me, Riddle, but that was a low blow" I said trying to keep my anger from showing.

"Yeah, well I uhh, I just wanted to say I am sorry.. anyways.." and he walked away back towards his friends.

I stood there for awhile looking out at the water as I saw the giant squid that lurks in the black lake appear for a second in the distance.

"So, Cedric Diggory?" I turned around to face the blond who was walking towards me.

I rolled my eyes, "jealous?" I smirked as he stood next to me and we both looked out at the water.

He avoided the question, which made me laugh and after a few minutes he said, "I was thinking, its been awhile since we both went up to the tower, tonight after the feast?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"ahh so you did miss me," I smiled at him.

"shove off," he pushed into my shoulders and then turned around back to his group of friends.

I waved goodbye to them and walked back over to Hermione, Ron, and Harry who were staring at me as if I attempted treason.

"Yes?" I drawled out.

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