Chapter Forty-six

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"On the verge of tears, she smiled. That's the strongest thing I've ever witnessed."

-r.h. Sin.

The next day was Monday and I had definitely thought about rolling back over and going back to bed, skipping classes all together. However, Hermione being the know-it-all she is figured out my plan and barged her way into my room. I threw the covers over my head and groaned.

"I can't imagine what it must be like, Drea but you have to go to classes," she said as she made her way over to my bed and started tugging on the red quilt.

I groaned, "I really don't want to deal with the constant whispering and rumors."

"Drea Black if you leave me with those boys, I swear I will hex you to death," she said and she gave one final tug on the blanket.

I let go and she fell back a little, which made me chuckle.

I sat up, "What's wrong with Ron and Harry? Well besides their normal wits," I asked.

"Ron's convinced Harry and you put your names into the goblet without telling him," she rolled her eyes and continued, "which is absolutely absurd."

"Well, Ron was never really the brightest of the group," I said and I got up and made my way to the bathroom to get dressed.

"Thanks for believing in me," I said to Hermione as we left the girl's dorms and made our way down the stairs.

"Of course. No under-aged wizard in their right mind would enter on purpose... well unless your Fred and George," we chuckled.

As the four of us made our way out of the portrait, the Slytherin boys were waiting for us. I looked at each of them and raised a concerned eyebrow.

"We couldn't let you brace the corridors alone, Black," Nott said as he moved to my side.

I laughed as Draco glared at Nott and quickly made his way to my other side.

I smiled at the group as we all made our way to the Great Hall. I looked at Riddle who looked as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to be there, but had to be or else Draco or Theo would curse him.

What I thought would be a long and treacherous journey to breakfast, became bearable as anytime someone tried to yell something at me one of the Slytherin's would shoot them a look that made them stop in their tracks. They even stood up for Harry at some points, which made me smile.

I'll have to admit, I'm not sure what I did to earn the Slytherin's respect, but I am glad I did it. It was quite the turn of events having the boys who went from spreading rumors to the ones who helped me through them.

Once we entered the breakfast hall, we went our separate ways as we sat at our tables. I had hoped that at least the Hufflepuffs would be on our side, since our houses were relatively friendly, however I quickly realized that they had turned against Harry and I. Ron had completely ignored Harry and I the whole morning, and I was quite okay with letting him just pitch his fit. Harry, however, was taking the fact Ron was not speaking to him quite hard.

"Ron we didn't put our names in the goblet," I said trying to meet his eyes.

He just nodded and continued shoving his face with food. I rolled my eyes and looked at Harry apologetically.

After breakfast, we made our way to our first class of the day which was History of Magic.

Unfortunately we had that class with the Ravenclaws and not the Slytherins, so Harry and I were succumbed to the mass of whispers and accusations.

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