Chapter Fifty-five

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"I'll protect her, always....."

**Dracos POV**

"Aye mate! Black said you had to go home for the weekend? Everything okay?" Nott asked as I sat next to him.

"Uh, yeah. Father just wanted a word about the Daily Prophet Article.." I answered and hoped he wouldn't press further.

Nott knew just enough about my family to know what I was implying and he didn't say anything else on the matter, which I was thankful for.

I wasn't in the mood to talk, so I sat at the table and listened to the conversation about the upcoming ball. When I glanced up at the Gryffindor table, I noticed Drea was already staring at me. Her brows were furrowed and she had a concerned look on her face. I looked down at my plate, and sighed.

I hadn't thought yet on what to say to her, or even what I was going to do about what my father had said. All I do know is I have to protect her.

"Hey, Malfoy, you okay?" Nott leaned over and whispered to me.

"I'm fine," I said sharply and pushed my plate aside and left for the common room.

Normally, I would go to the Astronomy tower, however I know that will be the first place Black looks, and when you are trying to avoid someone, you don't go where they expect you.

I made my way down into the dungeons, which were significantly cooler since the weather had been threatening snow. I traced my fingers along the cement walls as I made my way to the door of the common room.

"Pureblood," I mumbled as the doors opened up. Thankfully since dinner wasn't even nearly over, I had the whole common room to myself.

I laid on the green velvet couches by the fireplace and looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"Avoiding me are you?" I shot up at the sound of the familiar voice.

"What the hell Black? How did you get in here?" I tried not to sound too annoyed but I know I failed.

She rolled her eyes "you took a sharp right instead of a more straighter right," she laughed at the poor try of mocking me, "I just knew you weren't going to go somewhere I would look for you," she finished and smiled proudly.

I sighed and moved my legs off of the couch so she could join me.

We sat in silence for a moment, staring at the crackling fireplace. The air was full of tension and unanswered questions, but I was determined to not start the conversation.

Finally, she broke the silence, "Draco... what happened?"

I didn't answer her, as I didn't have the words to say. Eventually she took her hand and touched my cheek, forcing me to look at her.

Her hand felt warm against my cool skin and I shuttered at how delicate she touched me. Her blue eyes were an ocean full of concern that was sucking me in... I sighed and said, "Father just wanted to talk to me about the article in the Daily Prophet."

She looked at me dumbfounded, "You're a git.. I know that, what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I said coldly.

She sighed and grabbed my hand, "Draco.. you can talk to me."

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Black!" I snapped at her.

"Why do you do this?" I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"Do what?"

"Don't act so dumb Draco. You push people away."

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