Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together."
****Draco's POV****

Since the day I saw them by the lake, I completely distanced myself from her. I wouldn't talk to her, or even as much as look at her. It was too painful when I did. Her and Nott were now together and I had to face that fact every day. Astoria and I were getting closer and as much as I hated to admit it, we were getting along nicely.

After breakfast Astoria and I walked down to the lake hand in hand. If there was one thing Astoria was good at, it was helping me hide my feelings about Black. I felt guilty at first, using her, but now I think I'm finally starting to like her. It wasn't the same as with Black, but it was my new normal. We sat against a rock, and she turned to me her brown eyes reflecting off of the sun,
"Dray," she said and she looked at me. Immediately my thoughts wandered to Drea.

*Night of the Yule Ball - in Astronomy tower flashback*
I laughed, "okay fine, but we have to have nicknames so my family doesn't get suspicious," I smirked at her.
She nodded, "okay, what should my nickname be?"
I thought for a moment, "what about Rea?"
She smiled and said, "that sounds perfect, what about Dray for you?"
I nodded as I brought our hands up so she could twirl.
*end flashback*

"Don't call me that," I spat.
She jumped back, and I saw how upset she was. I didn't mean to sound so harsh.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that, just don't call me that," I said and I grabbed her hand.
I took an Every Flavor Bean and I threw it up and tried to catch it in my mouth, to make her laugh, but I missed and it hit her face. I felt bad and was about to say sorry, but then she threw another one at me.

"Take that!" She said and I threw another back at her.
"oh don't start, because I will win," I said throwing the whole box on her. We were laughing and it felt good to finally laugh, even if it wasn't with Drea.
She ruffled my hair, and in the heat of the moment, I grabbed her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. Instantly I regretted my decision, because I saw a familiar figure in my peripheral vision. I could recognize her from a mile away. I pulled away from Astoria and I looked over at Drea. She looked hurt, very hurt and it broke my heart. She took off running, and she dropped her book on the way up to the castle. It took everything I had not to follow her, and honestly I think Astoria purposely grabbed my hand so I wouldn't.

"What the hell was that Gryffindor brat staring at," Astoria scoffed and I winced at her calling Black that.

*flashback to second year*
I was just appointed the new Slytherin seeker and my father had bought everyone brand new brooms. This was one of the few times that my father tried to make up for being an ass to me. Even though he really wanted me on the team so he could boast about it to his rich friends. We were practicing on the quidditch field when the Gryffindor team showed up. We all flew down to cause a scene. Our team was boasting about how my father had bought everyone new brooms, they were Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones. "Oh look," Flint said and my eyes shot up to see three figures walking down, Weasley, Granger, and Black.

"Why aren't you playing? And what's he doing here," Weasley asked Potter and pointed to me as they arrived to the crowd.
"For your information, Weasley, I'm the new Slytherin seeker, everyone's been admiring the brooms my father bought the team," I said proudly. "Maybe the Gryffindor team can raise some gold, you could even raffle off those Cleansweeps I'm sure a museum would bid for them," I scoffed as the team laughed.

"At least no one on their team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent," Granger said sharply.
"No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood," I spat.
Immediately my reaction wanted to wince, I sounded just like my father and it terrified me.
Suddenly, Black shot out in front of Granger, "I'd watch your mouth, Malfoy, or you're going to end up in Azkaban like the rest of your family," she said with her bright blue eyes glaring at me.
"Oh yeah? For a Gryffindor brat you're a bit mouthy" I scoffed.
"You might as well start calling Azkaban the new Malfoy Manor. Seeing as theirs loads of them locked up in there. and don't call me that, Malfoy," her pointer finger at my chest,
"What're you going to do about it, Gryffindor Brat?" I glared at her, daring her to make a move.
"Enough, he's not worth it," and as Potter said that, a green light shot out of Weasley's wand and he was puking slugs. We all rolled with laughter and Black shot me a death glare.
After this I called her Gryffindor brat any chance I got.
**end Flashback*

I quickly, got up and walked and picked up the book Drea had. Wuthering Heights was printed on the front. I quickly tucked it into my robes and went back to Astoria.
After awhile we went back to laughing and having a good time. I tried my best to distract myself, but I wanted to know if Black was okay.
"I'll race you to the common room," Greengrass said and with that she took off,
"oh no you won't!" I yelled after her and ran.

We ran through the corridors looking at each other, laughing. Suddenly, I looked up just in time to stop before we both slammed into Potter and Black. Black looked awful. She had looked like she had been crying for hours, her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair a mess. It hurt I wasn't the one who could comfort her, even worse it hurt that I was the one who hurt her.
It has to be like this I thought, but it still hurt.

Suddenly Astoria said something and it made me snap out of my trance, "Awee, looks like someone's had a rough night," she smirked at Drea. This pissed me off, it really did, but I couldn't do anything about it. Potter stared at me almost pleading for me to, but I couldn't. With tears in her eyes again, she pushed up to me.
That familiar feeling in my stomach, she hadn't been this close to me in weeks, my heart was racing as she whispered in my ear, "Rich entitled pricks deserve rich entitled girls like her," and she shoved past me, leaving me in utter disbelief.

We walked the rest of the way to the dormitory and when we entered the common room, Astoria turned to me, "want to sit by the fireplace? No one's around," she smirked.
"I'm going to bed," and I shoved passed her and walked up the stairs. I think she called my name, but I ignored her.

The next morning I woke up and went to put on my robes. Every single one of them, were bright pink. I tried every spell I could think of to change them back, they wouldn't budge.
Those effing Weasleys, I thought.

I couldn't afford to miss classes, I had missed too many the week that Drea and I cut things off and my father wrote me a very nasty letter. I cursed and pulled on my dress shirt, which was also pink, and my robes. I fixed my hair and left down the stairs.
Thank Merlin I was late, no one was in sight except for Greengrass. "What the hell, Malfoy?" She said laughing.
"Just shut it," I scoffed not in the mood for her honestly. We walked down to the hall and I took a deep breath as we entered, everyone stopped and stared and then erupted in laughter.

I looked to see if any one else was effected but of course not, it was just me. I furiously walked to the Slytherin table and sat down. "Oy, Malfoy, did your mum switch your robes?" Riddle said through laughter.
"Shove off, Riddle," I spat at him. I glared at the Weasley twins who gave me a wink and then high-fived.
Im going to kill them I thought.

Astoria kept trying to hold my arm and mumbling that she can get me spare robes, I kept shrugging her off but she kept hanging right back on. I was getting annoyed with her and honestly, I was pissed at her for saying those things to Black. Suddenly, Black walked over and sat next to Theo, "morning, handsome," she said and then looked at me. Oh great, I rolled my eyes. She stifled a laugh and said, "I like the new look, Malfoy," This made the boys erupt in laughter again and I clenched my fist.
"I'm going to find out who did this, starting with those Weaslby twins, and when I do-" they cut me off and in a mocking tone said "my father will hear about this" and that made them all laugh even harder.

I don't remember what they were saying as I stormed out, and walked back to my dorm. As I was walking to the dungeons, professor McGonagall caught me and glared at me, looking me up and down, "Oh dear, I haven't seen this in years. Do you know who did this?"
"No" I answered. I could've said it was the twins, but I knew it probably wasn't.

Then as if she was trying to suppress a smile, she said "I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy, but much as I support individualism," she paused, "uniforms are not to be meddled with, twenty points from Slytherin," and she walked away. I cursed under my breath and made my way to the dorms. "Pure-blood," I said as the bricks opened up and I ran up the steps to my dorm. I ripped off the robes and threw on my pajamas and went right back to bed, screw today and if my father heard about me skipping class screw him and whatever punishment he had for me.

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