Chapter Seven

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"To the stars who listen"

At some point as I walked down the never ending stairs to go outside I started crying. I'm not sure why, because this gives me the perfect excuse to tell Harry I didn't like him.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I made it to the shore of the Black Lake. I laid my blanket down and looked up at the sky.
It was a beautiful night, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing soft. It was the perfect temperature to stargaze without getting too hot or too cold. You could tell it was quickly becoming autumn, but I relished in the few weeks left we'd have of this weather.

I love Hogwarts, it's one of the only places you can go where you can see the stars so clearly even part of the Milky Way. I was deep in thought, staring at the sky as tears fell down my face when I heard a voice ask,
"Hey, uh are you okay?"

I jumped, startled "Bloody Hell Draco, you can't sneak up on me like that" I laughed smacking his leg.
"How'd you know where I was?" I wiped away the tears on my cheek with my sleeve and looked up at him.
He was wearing his green Slytherin sweatshirt and black joggers, his hair is in his face not done, he looked handsome.

"Well I was about to go to the tower as well, thinking you'd be done, I don't know why I didn't send you the letter," he stopped looked around.. then continued "but I saw you run off and I followed you here. I gave you a second to calm down and I wasn't sure if I should follow you and all, but I felt bad and so I did.." he finished and he looked at the sky so his eyes didn't meet mine.

I felt myself blush at the fact he asked me again how I was doing, it wasn't like Malfoy to be this nice to anyone. I mean the last two years have been spent making fun of me in any way possible.
"Well thanks Malfoy" I smiled at him.
"I'm okay, just.." I stopped as he cut me off,
"I know, I saw, that was part of the reason I followed. I figured you could use someone," He said looking down at me.

I moved over so he could sit next to me. We sat for awhile, watching the tide of the lake move in and out.

"I'm not really that upset he kissed her," I sighed before continuing, "I guess it just doesn't make sense to me,"
I pulled my knees against my chest, resting my head on them. I turned to Draco and as he turned to me I could have sworn I saw anger in his eyes.

"That prick" he finally says.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm sorry it's just, who would do that?" He said angrily.
I sat there for a moment, looking at him. Honestly, I thought Draco would be exactly the type to do that.

"Black, I'm sorry but what did you see in him again?" He says angrily.
"You mean, as a friend? Cause I really don't think I had feelings for him," I said raising an eyebrow. 

He looked at me for a moment as if questioning my statement, then he said, "Honestly, Black I want to punch him."

"Why do you care?" I finally asked the question that's been plaguing my thoughts for days.
"Why do you care about me all of the sudden," He stopped and looked at me.
I looked into his silvery blue eyes, I could see the reflection of the moon in them.

"I guess I just don't understand why we all keep being rude to each other over a war that happened however long ago" he said and ran his hand  through his hair in frustration, "I mean it's just ridiculous honestly." He finished, but I can tell he actually wanted to say more. I didn't ask him though, when he wants to tell me he will. 

We sat quiet for awhile, staring at the lake. I watched as small waves distorted the reflection of the moon on the water. "I won't punch him.. you know.." he said and looked at me seriously.
I laughed, "I know you won't Malfoy, Because if you do I would punch you."
I said and he laughed back knowing full well, I probably wouldn't.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now