Chapter Sixteen- Dracos POV

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"She is beautiful but her looks never stood a chance compared to how breathtaking her soul is."

- Joseph Colombrita

I was sitting at breakfast when I got the package from my mum that had the ice skates and a note asking who the other pair were for.
I quickly wrote back that they were for Pansy, and sent my owl off.
"What's that package you got?" Parkinson asked as she moved closer to me, trying to look.
I shrugged her off, "None of your business, Parkinson," and hurried off toward the forest with the package.

I quickly set the ice skates against a tree and checked to make sure the ice was solid enough to skate on, and thankfully it was.
When I finally found the Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Mattheo in the stands, the Gryffindor was winning by 50 points.
"Where were you, Malfoy?" Riddle asked.
"I had to finish something," I replied.
We watched as Harry moved toward the snitch and caught it to win the game.
We all collectively groaned, and booed while we left the stands.
"Ill meet up with you later," I said as I took off to find Drea.
I saw her and quickly grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me.

"Merlin, Malfoy, you have to stop doing that!" She said punching my arm playfully.

"Follow me," I said taking my hand and pulling her toward the Forbidden Forest.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Just follow me!" I said and started running because I was so excited.

We walked side by side, "Merlin Malfoy, I didn't know I was going to run a marathon today," she said out of breath.
I laughed and said, "Just wait."

We continued walking until I led her to the frozen lake. I walked over to the tree and grabbed the ice skates, handing Drea's pair to her.
"Put these on," I said smiling at her. I was trying to hide the fact I was nervous. I was afraid she might think it was a dumb idea, or that she was too cold.
"Draco what is-" she started but I cut her off.
"I just wanted to do something different with you then hanging out in the astronomy tower. I was walking and found the lake frozen over, so I wrote to my mum to send me the skates," I said as I tied the laces on my skates and walked over to the lake.

"So you took a casual stroll in the Forbidden Forest?" She asked.

I looked back at her and watched her struggle with tying her skates, "That's what I said, yes."
I began skating while I waited for her to finish up.
"Interesting," she said as she walked over to the lake.

I skated in circles while she watched me. After a few moments I smirked and yelled, "are you going to stare all day, or you going to join me?"
I skated over to her and stuck out my hand for her to take.

She grabbed it and said, "I swear, Malfoy, if you make me fall!"
I laughed, "shh, Black I won't make you fall."

We skated hand in hand around the lake for awhile. I loved hanging out with her, she made me feel as if none of my problems mattered. She made me forget all of the bad in my life, so I could only think of the good.
She was sunshine in human form.

We took one last lap around the lake and I got an idea,"race you once around!" I said as I raced away from her
"MALFOY! No fair you get back here!" She said trailing behind me.

I felt that she was about to pass me when I heard her stop. I turned around and saw her staring at the sky.

"Come on Black what are you-" I started to say,
"Draco! Look, it's snowing!" She said pointing at the sky.
I skated back towards her and watched her as she looked at the falling snow. I loved how she always saw the beauty in everything, including me.

I watched as the snow fell from the sky. It was beautiful, it felt like a vortex stopping us in to take us into another galaxy.
I looked over and watched her again, her cheeks were red from the cold, and her hair was sticking to her face. She looked beautiful.
She looked at me and I took her hand in mine and brought her closer to me.

The snow was falling heavier now, and we skated for a few more laps as we held hands.

"Here let me spin you," I said turning to her.
"oh I don't know..." she said hesitantly.
"oh come on, trust me," I said as I gently brought my hand up.

She spun into me and my arms wrapped around her, our eyes locked into each other.
For a split second, I thought about kissing her. That was until she took off, taunting me to chase her.

"Oh you little," I yelled after her.
Suddenly my skate caught the ice and I fell, my face growing red from embarrassment.
She skated over to me, laughing.

"You're going to regret laughing, Black," I said smirking.
"Oh, am I?" She replied still laughing.

I watched as she sat there laughing at me.
"Are you going to help me up or what?" I brought out my hand so she could take it.
She took my hand and I could hardly believe she fell for it. I pulled her down with me, laughing.

"You git!" She laughed.
"I told you, you'd regret laughing," I laughed.
We both laid there laughing, as the snow fell on us. Our faces red from laughter and the cold.

Eventually, I knew it was time to leave or we would miss lunch.
I stood up and helped her up, and skated over to the edge of the lake. We took off our skates and put on our boots and left for the castle.

"Thank you, Draco," she said looking at me.

I smiled at her, "of course." Although I wanted to say anything for you.
God, what was she doing to me?

As we walked through the Great Hall doors for lunch, immediately my friends eyes were on us. Drea and I sat down on our separate tables. I watched as Pansy scowled at Drea, Mattheo glanced between us, and Theo who looked extremely, and rightfully so, pissed off.
His fist hit the table, rattling the dishes as he stormed out of the hall. I was about to follow him when Drea looked at me and left to follow him.

The minute she followed him, my friends eyes, and the Gryffindors, darted to me. If looks could kill, I would have been dead by Pansy's glare alone.
"What were you doing with her?" She scoffed.
"I don't think it's any of your business now is it, Parkinson?" I hissed back at her.
"She-" She started but I cut her off.
"I know who she bloody is Parkinson! My father hasn't shut up about it for years!" I spat and tuned away from her and towards Mattheo.

He raised an eyebrow at me and continued eating his sandwich. Eventually, Drea walked back in and I smiled at her as she sat down with her friends.

**short Draco POV! I love his POVs they're some of my favorites. Keep reading and thank you for enjoying the story!**

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