Chapter Sixty-four

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"Sometimes you have to stay busy so you don't have time to feel.."

**Drea's POV**

After the events at Hogsmede my father and Draco seemed a lot closer. I know my father had a rough childhood and it is quite possible he had bonded with Draco over that. Honestly I'm glad Draco has someone he can relate to.

All of the adults basically forced Draco to stay for the rest of break, despite the fact he felt as if he was intruding.

With everything that had happened I had completely forgotten we we were suppose to go to the Weasley's for our friends Christmas today.

I woke up to Harry pounding on my door, "Drea! get up we are going to be late," I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head until I realized where we were going.

"SHIT!" I yelled.

I threw my duvet off of me and threw on my sweater Mrs. Weasley had made me last year and leggings. I quickly braided my hair and threw on some light makeup and threw my clothes into a trunk.

I ran down the steps and met Draco at the dinning table.

"I forgot to tell you, we are suppose to go to the Weasley's today.. I know they aren't your favorite, I'm sorry," I said as I sat down.

"Well good morning to you, too," he smirked.

"Good morning, Draco my lovely boyfriend. Thank you for gracing your presence to me this morning," I rolled my eyes.

He smiled and said, "Thank you, thats exactly what I wanted."

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Your father told me and he also mailed them to let them know I will be joining. It's okay." He shrugged.

I glared at him, "You're a git."

Immediately after breakfast we left for the Weasley's. I could hardly contain my excitement to see Ginny and Hermione, I immediately ran to the door, dragging Draco behind me.

Mrs. Weasley opened the door and pulled me into her motherly hug, "Oh I missed you dear! Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas," I smiled into her.

She then pulled Draco into a hug, "Draco dear, I have heard so much about you, welcome."

He was stiff as she hugged him but she held the hug long enough for him to finally relax into it.

The minute we got into the house I was pulled into a hug from both Ginny and Hermione.

"Come on! Let's go to the living room. Everyone's waiting for you!" Hermione said as she pulled me into the living room so we could start presents.

George and Fred immediately stood up from the couches and came to greet me.

"Hello darling," Fred said as he pulled me into a hug.

George followed after with a hug.

"Draco," they both said simultaneously.

Draco put a polite smile on his face, but I could tell he was struggling, his hand was in a tight fist on his sides.

We all piled around the tree and started to open presents. We each took turns and even Draco surprisingly had a small gift for everyone.

"How did you buy something for everyone?" I whispered as Hermione opened her journal from him.

"I ran to Hogsmede this morning when I found out," he shrugged.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. I loved how he was trying his best to be friends with my friends.

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