Chapter Nineteen- The Yule Ball, Drea's POV

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"We pretend to be just friends... but we both know that isn't true."

The morning of the Ball I woke up and darted out of bed. I was extremely tired, because I could hardly sleep with how nervous I was. Now, excitement coursed through my veins. I quickly pulled on my ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and pulled on a green sweater.

I made my way into the bathroom and put just a little mousse in my hair to tame the curls, and decided on no makeup since the ball was tonight.
I threw on my white Vans and quickly made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.
As Hermione and I walked into the hall, my eyes scanned for Draco but he wasn't there yet.

We sat down and I piled breakfast onto my plate, while Hermione and Ginny finalized plans for the evening.
They both were going to come to my dorm, and Ginny was going to help me with my makeup if I needed it.
After awhile I glanced back up at the Slytherin table to see if Draco had come, and when I looked up his eyes were already on me. Butterflies flew throughout my stomach as his eyes lit up at me looking at him.
"See you later," he mouthed at me.

We finished eating and went down to Hagrid's to visit for the last time before holiday.

"Who are you all going ter the ball with?" Hagrid asked us.
Immediately I looked down, not wanting to be the first to answer.
"Well, I'd assume Harry woulder go with Cho? Ron, who are yer goin' with?" He looked at Ron as he asked.

Ron got beat red and said "I'm going with Luna Lovegood."
"Oh is that so?" Hagrid said.
"How about you, Drea?" He looked at me quizzically.

Harry and Ron just looked at me, I don't think either Hermione or I had told them I was going with Malfoy. I'm sure, neither would be quite pleased either.
"Ummm," I said looking down at my feet, "I'm actually going with Draco..." I looked up and saw Hagrid's face full of shock.

I quickly glanced at Harry who looked as if he wanted to gauge out my eyeballs.
"Drea I don't know if that's the best idea, since yer know, yer dad and all.." Hagrid said hesitantly.
I wasn't really in the mood for this conversation so I said "I know.. I just didn't have anyone else to go with.." it wasn't necessarily a lie, but not necessarily the truth either.

Hagrid just nodded, but he looked worried. I managed another quick look at Harry who continued to stare at me.
Hagrid had passed us a few biscuits and tea and we quickly ate and talked more about our plans for holiday.
After awhile we decided it was time to head back to the castle.

When we walked through the doors, Harry grabbed my arm, "can we talk for a second?" He asked.
"Uh, sure," we stopped by the window next to the Great Hall and told Ron and Hermione to meet us upstairs.
"You really need to watch out for Malfoy, Drea," he said and his eyes were full of concern.

"Harry, he's my friend, so unless you know something I don't, just drop it," I said harshly.
"It's not that I know something, it's just, you know how your dad would feel, you know who Malfoy's dad is-" I cut him off, "was," I corrected him.

"Drea it doesn't matter, it's no secret he's an awful wizard and hates muggles and especially you," Harry's eyes were now pleading with me.

"Harry, Draco is not his father-" he cut me off,
"Drea listen, dammit! You don't know who Draco is! He's bullied you for the past two years, and what? Now he's showing you special attention and he's suddenly changed? Forgive me if I don't believe it," He was trying not to yell, but anger was evident in his voice.

I stared at him, unsure of what to reply.
"Harry, I didn't beg for his attention. He helped me when he saw that I needed it. He saw me crying and knew I needed someone. He is my friend and that is it! The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters!" I yelled at him.

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