Chapter Sixty-nine

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"I'm not mad. I'm hurt"

TW: There's some sad and depiction of depression. Just a warning in case :)

I opened up the letter carefully and read it.
Meet me at the Astronomy tower.
- Dray

I quickly put the letter in my bedside table and grabbed a blanket. I made my way to the tower carefully avoiding wandering eyes as it was nearing curfew.

The hallways were nearly clear, and the torches that added light to the hallway glowed in almost an ominous way. After awhile I was climbing the astronomy steps and as I entered the door, I saw Draco on the far end of the tower. His platinum blond hair was glowing under the moonlight, he was wearing what seemed to be a dark green crew neck and grey joggers.

I slowly made my way over to him and stood next to him leaning on his shoulder. I looked over at him, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he looked worried.

We sat there silently for awhile, looking out at the sky. It was clear out, with just a few lower hanging clouds here and there. It was a beautiful spring night.

He looked over at me as I was watching the night sky, "Your birthday's coming up," he smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking into his silver eyes.

He nodded, but I could tell his mind was elsewhere.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" He asked as he peered down at me.

My birthday was only a few weeks away. March had flown by and I was growing anxious over the last task.

I shrugged, "I haven't even thought about it... my minds on the task and who put my name in the goblet."

Draco flinched when I talked about the goblet.

He shook his head as if he wasn't listen to me, but I knew he was.

"Draco, what do you know?"

He ignored the question and said, "well, why don't we have a party like last year?" He said as he grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles with my thumb.

"Draco.. what is going on?" I urged.

He turned away to look out into the sky. I moved my other hand that he wasn't holding, to his cheek to force him to look at me.

"Draco look at me!"

He didn't.

I dropped my hands and looked out where the Black Lake would normally be, but was hidden by the night.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

I sat there for another moment, before starting to turn away.

He grabbed my arm tightly and spun me around to look at him.

"Don't walk away from me," he said angrily.

"Then tell me what the hell is up with you!"

"Dammit! Just drop it!" He yelled.

I looked at him as tears welled in my eyes.

"I didn't come up here to fight," He whispered.

"Then tell me what is going on with you. You know something.." I sighed.

He looked away from me, "I can't.."

I turned around and walked away, he didn't stop me this time.

The next few weeks flew by. Draco had apologized for yelling at me, but still wouldn't tell me why he was acting the way he was. Things were relatively back to normal by the time my birthday rolled around. We had decided to throw a birthday party on Saturday since my birthday unfortunately fell on a Sunday this year. I woke up that morning late and skipped breakfast and read a book instead.

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