Chapter Fifty-eight The Yule Ball

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"A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.."
- c.c.aurel

The next morning I woke up to the snow continuing to fall outside. I stood by my window watching as the giant snowflakes took their time to land on the ground.

It was as if Hogwarts was in a snow globe and someone had shook it while we were asleep. After a few minutes I got dressed in a warm burgundy sweater and leggings and made my way down to the common room to wait for the others for breakfast.

As we sat at our normal tables at the great hall, I hugged my cup of hot chocolate as I saw the Slytherin boys sit at their spots. Theo waved to me and flashed his charming smile and Draco waved as well.

"I see you two are finally talking again," Harry said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"I'll explain once we get to my house," I shrugged and knew he probably wasn't satisfied with this answer.

"So Hermione," Ron choked through his food, "Who are you going to the ball with?" He finished.

She laughed, "I guess you will just have to wait and see."

I sat there watching as Ron's face got red, "I bet you don't have anyone to go with," he stated.

"Believe it or not someone asked me, and I said yes," she said as she stormed off out of the hall. I glared at Ron and he swallowed and said, "what?"

I shook my head, "you're a git Ronald Weasley," and took a sip out of my mug.

After breakfast we spent the day huddled up in the common room by the fireplace to keep warm. Hermione completley avoided Ron and played exploding snap with Harry and Teddy. This made Ron's face stay a shade of red the entire afternoon, while he sulked in one of the chairs.

Before long, it was time for us girls to go head to my room to get ready for the ball. Before Hermione started on my hair, she said, "I expect you to spill the beans about you and Malfoy."

I laughed, "There's nothing to really say, 'Mione."

Ginny smirked as she put on her eyeliner, "anyone who says that has loads to tell."

I rolled my eyes and told them what happened, but leaving out the details of Malfoy's father.

Hermione finally finished my hair and it was in a low updo with a few pieces hanging down to frame my face, "There. perfect," she said as she pulled down another curl.

After she did my hair her and I swapped places and I did her hair in a beautiful curly half up half down hair do with a golden hair piece to pin the hair.

"Alright, makeup time," Ginny said as she knelt in front of me and started on my eyeshadow.

Before long all three of us girls were finished in plenty of time to hang out in my room before we had to go meet our dates.

We sipped tea and talked about anything and everything while we waited patiently for the time to come.

Eventually Ginny looked at the clock on the wall, "we better finish getting ready and meet the guys."

We all stood up and threw on our dresses and took one last look in the mirror. My dress was a beautiful burgundy color with lace details at the top.

I switched out the necklace Draco gave me for one more suitable for a ball and quickly put on silver earrings to match. The last piece to the puzzle were the sandals I added.

"You look beautiful, Drea," Hermione and Ginny said simultaneously.

"Thank you guys. You both look beautiful as well," I smiled at them both.

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