Chapter Sixty-seven

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"You are my favorite thought.."

We sat in The Three Broomsticks at one of the long tables that fit us all. Draco sat on my right, Harry on my left, and Teddy sat next to Harry, and Ron and Hermione sat at the end of the table, with all of the adults sitting in front of us.

We ordered food and drank butterbeer as we talked over the events of the second task. Uncle James was ecstatic over Harry using gillyweed and on multiple occasions claimed he had the smartest son of all time, even though Harry had admitted that Dobby had stollen it for him.

It felt normal, sitting at the Three Broomsticks with a family brought together by Hogwarts, laughing and enjoying another's company.

As if I hadn't just been put to the death against a dragon a few months earlier or forced to figure out how to stay underwater for an hour to find a loved one who was taken from me.

Once we were done, Draco actually did pay the bill which made my father laugh.

"I was just joking, Draco," my father said as he tried to persuade Draco to not pay.

Draco just smirked and handed the cash over to our server. After a few more moments of talking, we said goodbye to everyone and then us children left for the castle.

"They are throwing another party tonight," Ron said excitedly as we walked the path back to Hogwarts.

"You're quite excited," Hermione said as she glared at Ron.

"Well I was in the task!"

I turned to Draco and Harry as Ron and Hermione started fighting over Ron's part in the task.

"You coming?" I asked Draco as I swung our hands that were interlocked.

"Anything for you, even if its a Gryffindor party," he smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes and moved next to Ron and Hermione and I laughed as we neared the steps of the castle.

Once we entered the main hall, Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an empty hallway.

"It's been awhile since you've done this," I smirked as he leaned over me with one hand still on my wrist and the other up against the wall.

My heart was racing, waiting for him to kiss me.

"I'm proud of you," he whispered as he brought his hand up from my wrist and cupped my cheek.

He brought my lips to his, and our lips moved together as I brought my hand up and placed it on the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.

He smiled into the kiss before pulling apart and placing his head against my forehead. We stood there for a moment, smiling at each other. My entire body felt as if it would explode any second with the amount of butterflies I felt consume me.

We left the hall and made our way to gather the rest of the Slytherin boys in their common room. I started to feel exhausted from the amount of swimming I had to do and lack of sleep before hand.

Not to mention, the amount of food I just consumed at the Three Broomsticks.

I yawned as Draco said "Pureblood," to the Slytherin brick walls that opened up into the common room.

"You sure you're up to party?" Draco gave me a concerned look.

"Totally," I shrugged as I sat down on the green velvet couches by the fireplace.

"If you say so, Black," Draco answered as he left up the stairs to find the rest of the boys.

I'm not sure what Draco was doing that took him so long, but I cuddled up on the couch and had fallen asleep.

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