Chapter Fourteen

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"I shouldn't be jealous you aren't even mine."

****Dreas POV****

The next week went by quickly and I did everything I could to avoid Theo. I still wasn't sure about going to Hogsmede with him. Hermione had told me on multiple occasions that there was absolutely no harm in getting to know him. I think she really just appreciated the fact that it wasn't Draco who asked me.

Throughout the week Draco and I met twice to work on our potions project. Thankfully we were almost done with it.

After dinner on Friday, Hermione and I went to my room to talk.
"You can't avoid him forever you know," she said, bringing up Nott again.
"Hermione, I know. I just don't know if I want to go with him," I replied while flipping through, The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook.

"How can you get to know him if you don't spend time with him? You've been ignoring him all week."
"Yeah, you're right. I guess there really is no harm in it," I answered.

The next morning I woke up early for breakfast so I could talk to Nott. When I walked into the Great Hall, he quickly met my eyes and walked over to me.

He was wearing a long grey sweater with three buttons on the front. It was tighter and showed off his biceps. His brown wavy hair was just as messy as normal. As always, he looked handsome.

"So are we going today or what, Black?" He asked, smirking.
"I'd love to," I answered him.
"Perfect. I'll meet you at the front doors," He smiled and walked away.

After breakfast Hermione, Harry, and I hung out in the Great Hall while we all waited to go to Hogsmede.
Harry and Ron were not fans of the fact I was going with Theo, but had ultimately decided he was the better option.

"Are we ready?" Nott asked as we stood by the entrance doors.
I nodded and he stuck out his arm for me to hold and we made our way to Hogsmede.

It was a gloomy day, the clouds hung low and made the sky a dull grey. It wouldn't have been too cold if it wasn't for the wind. Although it was the middle of November, it still hadn't snowed.

As we walked down the pathways leading to Hogsmede, we made casual conversation about our families and what our plans were for holiday.

Before long we decided we should go straight to the Three Broomsticks to order Butterbeer to warm us up.
We walked through the wooden doors and the atmosphere was already busy with students laughing and enjoying each others company. We looked around the room and found a booth that was empty in the corner.
I sat with my back against the wall and Theo sat across from me.
"I'm going to order some chips, do you want anything?" He asked.
"No thanks, but maybe I can share a few of your chips?" I said smiling.
"Of course," he said.

After a few moments the waitress came over to take our order.
"So, what else would you like to know about me?" Theo asked, smirking.
I laughed, "Did you talk to Hermione?"
"Maybe," He laughed.
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Hey, what else was I suppose to do? You were ignoring me!" He said as he took my hand and held it.
"I guess you're right," I laughed.

"So what do you want to know about me?" He asked again as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.
"Oh... I don't know... what's your favorite color?" I asked.
He chuckled and raised and eyebrow at me, "Really starting with the basics now aren't we?"
"I like the color yellow. Like a bright yellow, not the dark mustard yellow" he answered as he looked at me.
I gave him a look of disbelief. I would have expected almost any other color except for yellow.
"No seriously, thats my favorite color!" he laughed.
"So Theodore Nott has a bright side. Okay jotting that down," I laughed.

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