Chapter Thirteen- The Quidditch match

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"People don't change they just take their masks off.."

**Dracos POV****

I woke up the next morning exhausted, the nightmares still keeping me up most nights. They would change between the dinning room nightmare and a nightmare where my father disowns me.

Thankfully, the quidditch match today was against Hufflepuff, making my life a lot easier. If it was against Gryffindor I would have been more worried.

I threw back the green duvet on my bed and got dressed into my quidditch sweater and pants.
I quickly brushed my hair back with my hands and left out the door for breakfast.
As I entered the common room, Blaise and Theo met me and we walked together to the Great Hall.

On the way down we talked about the game and Nott brought up Drea.
Of course. It felt as if he was purposely trying to make me mad.

"Think she'll come cheer me on? I had mentioned it yesterday" he said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"what is your problem Malfoy?" Nott said looking at me.
"just back off from her would you?" I spat and walked away.

I walked into the hall and sat at my table. I glanced up and was surprised to see Drea was in green, normally Gryffindors didn't support us, seeing as we are their biggest competition.
I looked around her table and everyone else was in either Gryffindor colors or Hufflepuff.
She was wearing a green sweater that had buttons down the front and a brown tank top underneath, her hair was down and she had a headband over top of her head that covered her ears.
Gorgeous as always, I thought to myself.

I watched as Nott made his way over to the table. I pulled my hand into a fist to suppress my anger.
**Dreas POV**

I sat at my table talking to Hermione, Ron, and Harry when Theo walked over to me.
"Hey, Black, supporting me today?" He said as his eyes looked me up and down.

I had forgotten completely about yesterday when he asked me to come to the match. I looked at him for a moment, smiling. He was wearing his quidditch sweater and his brown, wavy hair was a little messy.
"And what if I am?" I said winking at him.
He stared at me for a moment, speechless.
I laughed, making him snap out of his thoughts.
"I look forward to seeing you at the after party," he before smirking and walking away.

I turned back to talk to Hermione. She was looking at me with her jaw open.
"Oh shut it, I was just being smart," I said.
"It seemed like more than that," She said as she looked over at the Slytherin table.
I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my bagel.

After breakfast we all walked down to get seats at the quidditch pitch. The quidditch pitch was a giant oval, with large wooden towers that were bleachers for us to sit at.

We walked through the entrance, when suddenly those cold hands were pulling me along the outside wall.
I stared at the platinum blond who had yanked me away from my friends.
"What?" I asked.
"What did Nott say to you?" He asked. I detected a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"He just asked if I was cheering for him and I said maybe I am," I replied, annoyed.
"That git," he scoffed.
"What's the problem, Malfoy?" I snapped back, "Can't seem to believe a guy might like me?"

"No-no, that's not it," he looked at me, "what did he say after that?" He finished.
"I'll see you at the after party and then he walked away," I crossed my arms and glared at him.
I didn't understand why any of this mattered.
I scanned Draco's face, looking for answers. All I saw was that he was pissed off about something.
"Okay, well enjoy the match," He said walking away.
I watched as he walked away mumbling something about Theodore and how much of a git he is.

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