Chapter Thirty-four

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"The sun watches what I do, but the moon knows all my secrets."

I woke up to the soft pinging of rain against the windows, and instantly wanted to skip breakfast and go back to sleep.

Against everything in my will I got up and threw the sheets off my bed and made my way to the bathroom to get ready. I quickly took a shower to wake up and threw on my school robes. I took one look in the bathroom mirror and decided makeup was definitely needed today.

I sat in front of the oval mirror and put on a little eyeshadow and mascara. I had a little extra time, so I decided to braid my hair into two braids. Finally, I took one last look into the mirror and grabbed my bags and left for breakfast.

I decided last night to let the Malfoy thing go. He was acting strange again and I had enough to worry about with final exams drawing near, than to stress over Draco Malfoy. Last year me would've been shocked to find out I even can stress about him, I laughed to myself at the thought.

I walked into the dinning hall and made my way to the gang.

"Mornin' boys, back to your normal hair?" I asked Fred and George.

"We decided pink wasn't our color, but thought maybe we would try blue next," Fred said and they laughed.

I sat in my usual spot and Hermione whispered, "we told the boys about you and Nott so they wouldn't ask questions."

I looked up at Harry and Ron who each gave me a soft smile.

I picked at the fruit on the table and casually looked at the Slytherin table. My eyes immediately went to Draco but not for the usual reasons. Draco had a black eye and a scratch on his nose.

I quickly looked at Theo who's hands were bandaged.

I made my way over to the Slytherin table without even thinking. When I got there everyone looked at me except for Draco.

"Theo can we talk?" I didn't wait for him to answer as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the hall.

"What the hell, Nott?"
He smirked at me and said "back to last name basis?"

"Oh for Merlin's sake. You punched him?" I yelled.

"Best friends don't steal their best friends girls" he stated.

"If you haven't noticed we aren't dating, and he won't even look at me! You didn't have to go beat him up."I crossed my eyes and stared at him.

"Right," he said as he walked away down the stairs to potions.


The classroom was colder today, because of the rain and I found it oddly calming with the dark room.

I laid my head on the desk as Snape strut in as he always does, "sit with your partners you had at the beginning of the year," he stated.

I rolled my eyes and gathered my books to sit by Draco. I ignored him as I sat and awaited the instructions from the professor.

"Today you will be making the girding potion," he flicked his wand at the board to make the recipe show up, "begin."

Thankfully this would be easy since we did our presentation on this potion. I got up and gathered the supplies and brought them back to the table and began to throw them into the cauldron.

"Good morning to you too," Malfoy said smiling. I continued adding ingredients to the potion and said "morning."

"So you and Nott, huh?" He stated right off the bat and I looked up at him.

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