Chapter Seventy-The Third Task

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"Time is making fools of us again"

We stood around the quidditch pitch as Ludo Bagman excitedly showed us that we would be finding our way through an enchanted maze.

He looked at us as if he expected us to be jumping out of our shoes with excitement over this. I stood there numb, wondering what would be waiting for us in the maze. He was busy telling us that Mad-eye Moody was in charge of the obstacles inside the maze, as if this was suppose to ease our minds. He also explained that the hedges would grow up to twenty feet, and in the middle of the maze would be the Triwizard cup.

Whomever grabbed the cup would receive full marks for that task. The last thing he mentioned before dismissing us was that we would go in order of placement meaning I would go first, Harry and Cedric second, Krum fourth, and Fleur last. Bagman looked at me as if I were to be happy over this achievement, forgetting that it was out of sheer dumb luck I made it this far in the first place.

The last month went by quicker than I wanted it to, but of course that was to be expected. Time had a way of fooling you. If you dread something coming up, time would move faster, if you couldn't wait for something time moved slower and slower.


It was June 14th, ten days before the third task, when I went to my dorm after dinner and saw a letter on my desk. My cat Squeaky playfully nibbling on it. I pet her and pushed her away from the letter.

Astronomy tower, now.

When I got to the Astronomy tower I saw a blanket sprawled out and a few candles, Draco was sitting in the middle of the blanket looking at a piece of paper.

Once he saw me he sat up and put the paper down and patted a spot next to him.

"The last time we were in here together, went horribly wrong.. I wanted to make it up to you," he said as he pulled out his wand and conjured a picnic basket.

He pulled out icecream and two spoons.

We sat together as we dug into the icecream. It was chocolate chunk icecream which was my favorite. I was mid bite when it dawned on me that he was looking at something when I walked in.

"What were you looking at?" I asked as I swallowed my spoonful.

"I figured tonight would be the perfect time to find your star," He said beaming at me.

I looked at him for a moment and studied his face, it seemed different.. as if he was trying to act like he was okay.

After a few more bites Draco stood up and reached out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it as he helped me up and brought me to one of the telescopes at the middle of the tower.

We looked at the star chart and the directions to find my star. Thankfully with a little magic and a very nice telescope, we found it within an hour.

"There it is, your star!" He exclaimed as he gestured for me to look into the telescope.

"Wow," was all I managed to get out as I looked at the bright little dot in the middle of the lens.

Draco looked back in the telescope and moved the telescope to look at me.

"And there is my star," He said smiling.

I rolled my eyes playfully,

Draco pouted, "It's true," he kissed the tip of my nose before walking toward the blanket.

After Draco took the last spoonful of icecream he looked at me. I stared into his silvery blue eyes and smiled. It was most likely the most genuine smile I had smiled all month. Draco had a way of making me feel like everything was okay.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now