Chapter Fifty-two

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"Everything comes crashing down all at once.."

The rest of the month flew by. It was like time knew I didn't want the task to come so time just got faster and faster. Time was cruel.

I did anything but try to figure out exactly what to do with the golden egg. I had even spent more time studying, even though I was exempt from exams.

Which Hermione was proud of me for, and Harry and Ron thought I was ridiculous.

Ron had even said, "If I was exempt from exams I wouldn't even do my homework."

This made Hermione reply with, "She isn't exempt from final grade you git, just from the exam!"

Harry had told me when he entered the dorm, on the night of the first task, the crowd had urged him to open the egg up. As soon as he did, the egg made a shrieking sound that made him close the egg immediately. Both of us were clueless on what to do with the egg. It wasn't that we didn't care it was more of the fact we just wanted a break-for life to go back to normal.

We were sitting in Transfiguration on Thursday when Professor McGonagall had brought up the Yule Ball.

"I know we are used to this annual ball, however, it will be different this year. The ball will take place this year at eight o'clock on Christmas Eve and finishing at midnight on Christmas Day."

She looked around at the class, her hair in a tight bun and continued, "This ball is a chance for us to get to know our foreign friends... to let down our hair."

Personally, I didn't think she had ever let down her hair, she was a strict professor, however.. fair.

Finally she finished with, "This does not mean we will loosen up on our standards of behavior. We expect the best! Now, we will demonstrate how to dance, we can't be having you make fools of yourselves in front of our guests. Mr. Weasley... come here."

She cut off Ron who had been making a sarcastic comment to Dean Thomas. Everyone in the room shot a look at Ron who was red faced. He gulped and took a step down as he made his way to McGonagal slowly.

"Place your right hand on my waist here," she said to Ron and since he was slow about doing it, she quickly grabbed it and placed it at her waist.

Chuckles were heard around the class as she grabbed his hand and led him in the dance. Most of us had done this before, which made it an easy enjoyable class.

Harry leaned over to the twins who were utterly enjoying Rons embarrasment and said, "you boys are never going to let him live this down are you?"

"Never," they said in unison.

"Alright everybody! Come together! Partner up!" McGonagall said.

Quickly I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to be my partner and we made our way to the center of the class. Before long the bell had rung and McGonagall had waved Harry and I over to her.

"The champions and their partners.." she started but Harry cut her off "What partners?"

She looked at him for a moment as if thinking he was trying to be funny.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball.. your dance partners," She answered rather coldly.

Harry looked at me and I could tell he wanted to throw up. Harry didn't mind the usual dance, but the thought of having to ask someone and dance in front of every one? That was rather unnerving for him.

We walked away from Transfiguration quickly and headed to the Great Hall. My mind was racing on who to take or if anyone would ask me.

"Who are you going to ask?" Harry had brought up as we sat at our table.

"I mean unfortunately I can't ask Draco, so I really don't know," I answered, but he looked at me like he had just seen a ghost.

"Harry?" I started but I realized he was looking at Hermione who was running right at us with the Daily Prophet.

"Oh shit," I mumbled, for now I was full on aware of everyone in the Great Hall looking at Harry and I.

No... looking at me.

Hermione finally made her way to us and slammed the Daily Prophet on the table, "Forbidden Love," Hermione mocked in Ritas voice.

Immediately I sank lower at my table mumbling curse words under my breath as everyone at the Gryffindor table turned to Malfoy. While the attention was off of me for a moment and on Malfoy I quickly grabbed the Daily Prophet.

On the front cover was a moving picture of Malfoy and I. I stared at the picture as it moved starting with Malfoy's arms around me as I'm holding up my necklace, and then the picture moved to him wiping the tears from my cheek.

I looked up as Malfoy was making some off comment and I grabbed the paper and ran towards the lake, not giving a second look to the faces staring at me or comments being made.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now