Chapter Nine

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"When we have each other we have everything"

The rest of September was uneventful. The days were quickly transforming from summer to autumn as the trees around Hogwarts started changing their colors, the air turning colder as the days got shorter.

During the last few weeks, Draco and I had barely spoken. We had only exchanged a few pleasantries at dinner or in the hallways. Other than that, we were basically strangers again.

I had done really well ignoring Harry for the last few weeks, both of us being too stubborn to start the conversation, despite Hermione's constant protests to us both.

It was the second week in October when I finally wrote Harry a letter asking to meet with him. All it took was Uncle Moony asking me if everything was okay between us, in order for me to give in. I desperately didn't want him telling my father about it.

Right before dinner I sent Harry the letter asking to meet me at seven in the library. The entire dinner I avoided his looks at me and watched as the clock moved closer to seven. As the clocked shone 6:50 I anxiously got up from the table and made my way to the library early. I walked into the library and found a table in the back where no one could disturb us.

As the clock struck seven, Harry walked into the library and found me. I shook my leg nervously as he sat down across from me.
"Hey Drea." he said breaking the silence.
"Harry I can't bare to be mad at you anymore...." I blurt out,
"we are like family and I don't care that you're snogging Cho or even dating her! I just want my bestfriend back."
I looked up at him as he stared down at the table, silently.

He sat there quietly for a moment. I grew nervous waiting for a response from him. The only sound in the library were pages turning and my leg shaking against the table.

"I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry for kissing Cho after admitting I had feelings for you, I'm sorry.." He said as he looked up at me.
"I shouldn't have waited so long to tell you this but I only see you as my best friend," I said as I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"I know, I sort of figured when you went off and ignored me for days."
"I'm sorry for not handling it the right way.." I said as I took my hand away.

"So are you guys like dating now?" I asked.
"I'm not exactly sure what we are. Are you okay with it if we were?" He said looking at me.
I nodded my head, "I just want us to be normal."
He nodded and looked down at the table.

As I sat there unsure of what to say, I saw Draco entering the library. He met my eyes and looked over at Harry before nodding and smiling at me.

I swear that boy is more bipolar than us teenage girls. He barely has talked to me for weeks, and is acting like my friend again.

We sat there for a moment in a sort of awkward silence before Harry asked, "So you were with Malfoy the other night,"
I rolled my eyes, "We ran into each other, it wasn't what you think. I wasn't snogging him or anything."

"And he walked you to your dorm?" Harry asked, pushing for more information.
"Yes, because I was upset. He wanted to make sure I was okay," I stated matter-of-fact.
"Draco Malfoy wanted to make sure you were okay?" His voice sounded unbelieving as he looked over at Draco.
"Apparently," I chuckled as I looked over at the blond.
"He's been really sweet, Harry."
"Oh come on, don't fall for it," Harry said as he rolled his eyes.
"Fall for what?" I asked.
"He's faking it for whatever reason.. He hasn't once cared about you in three years and he isn't starting to now just because he saw you cry," he stated.
I scoffed and leaned back in my chair, glaring at him.
"Well it's a good thing I didn't ask for your opinion," I said angrily.
"Just wait he will come around," I said watching Draco study.
"Yeah, we will see," Harry said.

As if Draco could hear our conversation, he made his way over to us.
"Hey guys, did you end up talking it over?" He asked, and he actually looked like he meant it.
I flashed Harry an I told you so smile.
"Yeah we did, thanks Malfoy," I smiled at him.

I watched as Draco walked away and sat on the couch with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. Theo saw me looking and smiled at me. I blushed and looked away, thinking about the other night when Draco said Nott had fancied me.
Theo is quite charming. He has brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. He is most notable for being the nicest of the Slytherin's.

"Listen, thanks for sending me that letter. I told Cho I would meet her at eight," Harry said breaking me away from my thoughts.
"Alright," I said standing up and hugging him, "I love you Harry. Thank you for meeting me."
"You will always be my bestfriend," He said kissing my cheek and walking out of the library.

I sat for awhile studying, and after awhile Draco yelled across the library, "Hey, Black! Come join us!"
I made my way over to their section as I heard the librarian tell Draco to be quiet before she uses a silencing charm on him.
I sat in the chair across from Theo, while Blaise and Draco are on the couch next to me.

Where's Riddle?" I asked.
"He's coming up in a bit. He got a bit hung up with Pansy,"

I laughed knowing that Mattheo probably is wishing someone could bail him out right about now.

We all worked quietly and quizzed each other on certain classes, before eventually giving up and closing our books.
As soon as we were done, Mattheo finally showed up.

"Aye Riddle! You finally joined us," Theo laughed.
"Oh shut it Nott. You know I cant stand her," Mattheo said as he flipped Nott off.
As he sat down he noticed me and shot a look at Draco. Draco quickly gave a look back, making Mattheo acknowledge me, "Black," he nodded not sounding as nearly polite as the others.
"Hey thanks Riddle, I won't take any offense to the way you said that," I said which made the guys laugh.

Mattheo gave me an awkward smile back as he Played with the rings on his fingers.
We sat there for awhile talking about our classes and quidditch.
Draco's the seeker for Slytherin and Theo is the keeper. They are all excited for the first match in about three weeks. It's against Hufflepuff, fortunately an easy win for them.

It's been fun to hang out with them, I never expected them to be so normal. Especially since they all are so awful to everyone.
Eventually, we all decided to head back to our dorms.

"So you talked to him?" Hermione said as soon as I arrived in the common area, "How did it go?" She urged. I know she has wanted things to go back to normal almost as much as I did.

"It went great.." I explained everything that happened even the Draco part and she also was shocked Draco was so nice. Unfortunately, she gets the worse of the bullying, because she's a muggle born. There is a weird stigma about how muggles should not be allowed to do magic, despite the fact Hermione is the brightest witch I know.
I understood her shock when I told her Draco was being so nice.
After I explained, she hugged me and said. "I'm so glad things are back to normal."
"me too," I replied back and smiled at her.

We talked a bit longer before heading to bed.

*** We had to get things back to normal for harry and Drea. They're family of course!

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