Chapter Five

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"All I know since yesterday is everything has changed."
- Taylor Swift.

The next day I woke up and hit the snooze button at least three times, dreading the start of class.

After the third alarm, I made my was sleepily to my closet to throw on my white button down, plaid skirt and my robes. Then I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some makeup. Today I added eyeliner with wings, along with my golden eyeshadow. Then, I sat on the floor of the mirror in my room and braided my hair into two dutch braids.

I walked down the common room stairs and saw my friends waiting for me. I smiled, as I said "Morning!"
"Mornin'" Ron groaned. He was never a morning person.
"Good morning," Hermione said as she hooked arms with me.
I looked at Harry, who just smiled awkwardly at me and waved.
I smiled politely back, as we made our way out of the portrait tunnel and towards the Great Hall.

As we were about to enter the Great Hall, I realized I was a little nervous seeing Draco. I wasn't sure if he would be nice, or right back the Malfoy I knew. Hermione and I walked in our arms still linked, and I looked quickly at the Slytherin table. Thankfully, none of them are looking at me like yesterday. As we made our spots to the table, I realized by now that Draco was probably going to ignore last night completely and that I might as well, too.

We sat down where I was yesterday, I sat next to Ginny so I wasn't sitting next to Harry. I loaded a a little scrambled eggs onto my plate and grabbed a cinnamon roll. As I was eating I looked up at the Slytherin table and nearly choked when I realized Malfoy was looking right at me. I felt my face grow red as I saw Malfoy laughing at my reaction, and I quickly grabbed a sip of water before embarrassing myself further.

My first class of the day was potions, which was a poor class to start with. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I all left breakfast to go down to the dungeons talking about how undoubtedly awful Snape would be.

The minute Harry and I walked into Hogwarts we knew Professor Snape hated us. I'm sure he would hate us even more finding out Uncle Moony would be teaching this year. When our parents were at Hogwarts, most of the pranks were centered around Snape. Some of them were quite awful, others he deserved. However, I hardly feel bad with how he treats Harry and I. Hopefully with Uncle Moony around he will treat us a little more fair.

As we made our way down the eerie dungeon halls, I could see that most of the Slytherins were there waiting. To have potions with Snape was one thing, but that every year we were stuck with the house that hated us the most was another. Not to mention Snape was head of house to the Slytherins, which meant favoritism.

The minute we made it to the crowd that was gathered, they started to make jokes.
"Wow Potter you finally got new robes! Your dad finally get a promotion?" I heard  Malfoy say.
Suddenly, I realized that last night at the tower was probably just a show.
"Oh shove off malfoy!" Harry said.
"No I don't think I will." Malfoy said as he walked closer to Harry.
I could see Malfoy was bothered by something with the way he looked, but I wasn't sure what.

Before it could go any further, Ron grabbed Harry and pulled him back and said, "just ignore him mate. Let it go."
I rolled my eyes as I stood against the wall, watching them. Draco didn't look at me the entire time we waited for potions to start. I tried hard to suppress the urge to say anything to him. I don't know why I even thought he'd change.

Finally, the doors to the classroom opened and we all crowded in to our normal spots, Hermione and I are up front and Harry and Ron behind us. As much as I begged her to switch seats last year, she always forced us to be up front. She really should have been placed in Ravenclaw, she cares more about her studies then anyone I know.

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