Chapter Seventy-three Draco's POV

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"And all of the sudden I felt really tired. Like the world had drained me for everything that I had."

We looked out at the Black lake, Drea's head was on my shoulder and I lightly rubbed her arm. As much as I did it to comfort her, I knew I was also comforting myself as I gently touched her skin.

I sighed and began,

"The letters didn't make any sense at first. He sent the first letter two weeks before your birthday.
All it said was,
Prepare for the end.
Instructions are coming.
Listen to Mad-Eye.

That same night I received the first letter, I invited you to the astronomy tower. You had known of course, that something was wrong.. you always know.
Before I had gotten to the tower, Mad-Eye cornered me in the hallway. Now he already is a weird bloke, but he was just acting even more strange. He had told me my father had been in contact with him and that he was to keep an eye on me."


I looked over at her as she was looking at the stars. I could see the struggle in her eyes from all she had been through this year. The light was still there, it was just slightly dimmer.

"Your birthday's coming up," I tried my best at a sincere smile.

"Are you okay?" She said as she looked at me.

She always knew when something was wrong with me.

I nodded in response, it hurt to lie to her.

I tried to change the subject by asking, "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

She shrugged, "I haven't even thought about it... my minds on the task and who put my name in the goblet."

I slightly flinched when she talked about the goblet, with the way my father was acting I was certain he had done it.

"Draco?" She asked, I didn't answer.

"Draco, what do you know?"

I ignored her, trying to get her to just stop asking questions I said.. "well, why don't we have a party like last year?" I grabbed her hand and tried to distract her.

"Draco.. what is going on?" She pushed me for an answer and I was growing angry.

I wish she would just let it go.

I turned away from her, if I looked at her I might snap. She brought her hand up to my cheek and forced me to look at her. I ignored it and kept my head looking outside.

"Draco look at me!" She yelled, the way her voice was trying not to break, was silently breaking me.

I didn't look. I couldn't tell her anything that had happened yet, she would just worry and she had enough to worry about.

She stopped trying to get me to look at her and she looked out again.

"Whatever," she mumbled.

I didn't come here to fight, I came here because I needed her. I just didn't know how to say it. I knew my life would be changing, that everyone's life would be changing and it was all because of my father. The weight I carried was far to heavy for me to hold.

She turned away from me.

"Don't walk away from me," I said angrily.

I didn't mean to sound as angry as I did, but I couldn't help it.

She threw up her arms and yelled, "Then tell me what the hell is up with you!"

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