Chapter Forty-five

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"It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep."
**Drea's POV****

Since they had dismissed the champions from the room, I went numb. It wasn't until I made it to the Astronomy Tower that I had let myself completely feel what was going on.

Draco held me for hours as I had sobbed and completely destroyed his grey pajama shirt with my mascara stains. Once I had surely run out of tears, Draco had walked me to my dorm and gave me one last hug.

Thankfully, everyone was already in bed and I quickly changed and laid down underneath my red quilt and stared at the ceiling. Tonight was definitely not going to be a night of sleep, and I was half tempted to see if Harry felt the same. Instead I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep.

I knew today my father was sure to arrive and give Dumbledore a piece of his mind. I also figured Uncle James and Aunt Lily would be right behind him, although Uncle James would have been slightly proud over the fact his son was chosen. I could hear Aunt Lily and Uncles James' arguments over whether or not to be upset in my head now.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom to shower and wash all of the makeup off of my face from yesterday. I let the water run over my body as I stood there, completely numb. I wasn't ready to take on today's events and I sure as hell am not ready to take on the tournament. I turned off the water and made my way to change into a baggy jumper and jeans. I threw my hair up in a bun and didn't bother to put any makeup on since I was sure I was not done crying.

As soon as I made it out of my dorm I heard Hermione and Ginny's voices. They were waiting for me in the girls common room, and immediately their voices got quiet when they noticed me.

"Hey Drea, uh-Dumbledore wanted us to get you. Your father's in his office," Hermione had a sense of hesitancy in her voice.

Honestly I wasn't sure exactly how she felt over the whole situation, but I wasn't in the mood to care. I nodded my head and made my way to the headmasters office. As I walked through the corridors I realized breakfast must have well been over, since the corridors were crowded with students.

Nearly every head turned and what once were full conversations turned to whispers as each person talked about me as I passed. I kept my head down and tried my best to ignore the voices shouting that I was a cheater.

As I walked down the last corridor before Dumbledore's office I felt a cold hand grab my wrist and spin me around.

"Dammit, Black, I have been calling your name," I stared up into the grey eyes that were full of concern.

I mumbled "sorry," and turned back around and kept walking.

Malfoy hurriedly caught back up with me, "where are you going? Are you okay?" He tried to catch my eyes, but I avoided his gaze completely.

"My father is in Dumbledores office. I can only imagine how this is going to go.." I mumbled the reply to him.

"Hey, its okay. Do you want me to come in with you?" He grabbed my hand again which made me stop in my tracks and look back up at him.

He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and stood there comforting me for a second before I answered him, "No, it's okay Dray, I'll be fine."

He smiled and I am sure the smile was because I used his nickname for the first time in awhile. He gave me a soft nod and continued to hold my hand as we walked to Dumbledore's office. He gave my hand one last squeeze as I said the password to the study and made my way up the winding stairs.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now