Chapter Forty

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A/N I apologize ahead of time for not putting the ferret scene in this book-I literally get second hand embarrassment from the whole thing I can't haha.
"People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets"
- Insurgent

The first day of classes was uneventful, no one in fourth year was really looking forward to Herbology or Divination. The class we were really looking forward to was Defense Against the Dark Arts with Mad-Eye Moony.

Mad-Eye was a terrifying man, he was an ex-auror who had long grey hair to his shoulders, and even a wooden leg. However, what made him most terrifying were the scars across his face and the fake eye that moved in every direction.

We sat in the classroom as Mad-Eye made his way into the class, wooden leg clunking against the floor. We all were silent as he told us to put our books away and started role call.

Once he was done calling our names, he cleared his throat and took a sip of whatever was in his flask and said "so- straight into it. Curses."

Gasps could be heard throughout the room as he continued unfazed, "They come in many strengths and forms. Now according to the Ministry I am not suppose to teach you illegal dark curses until sixth year. Professor Dumbledore, thinks you can cope learning them this year. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful."

He had us all on the edge of our seats half scared, half in awe of this man.

"You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking." This made Lavender jump. She was showing Parvati her horoscope underneath the table, apparently Mad-Eye's eye could see through solid wood. The professor kept going without another glimpse at Lavender, "So.. which curses are most heavily' punished by wizarding law?"

Everyone was apprehensive, and a few people shakily rose their hands.

"Ah yes, Ron." Professor Moody said.

Ron nervously answered, "My father told me about one... is it the Imperius Curse, or something?"

"Ah yes, your father would know about that one. Gave the ministry a lot of trouble at one time, the Imperius Curse."

Professor then turned to the jars that were sitting on a table to his right. In one of them there was a spider. Moody took out his wand and moved the spider in his hand, holding it out so we could see.


The spider lepr from his hand and began to swing, then moving the spider into a tap dance. He then moved the spider onto Crabbes head and when professor saw Malfoy laughing, he immediately made the spider move to his face and said "what're you laughing at?" I watched as Malfoy immediately stopped laughing and was yelling for Goyle to get it off of him.

I tried not to laugh given the seriousness of the situation, but the pure horror and disgust on Malfoy's face was hilarious.

"Think its funny do you!" Moody snapped, "You'd like it, would you, if I did it to you? Total control. I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, or throw itself down one of your throats."

Everyone had stopped laughing now, and I gave a shudder at his last words.

"Years ago, there were a lot of witches and wizards being controlled by the Imperius Curse."

I knew he was talking about Voldemort and the wizarding war. My father was apprehensive to tell me too much, but I did know the Unforgivables were used by him.

Professor Moody went on, "Anyone else? Another curse?"

Hermione raised her hand and to my surprise so did Nevilles. Moody rolled his magical eye on to Neville,

"yes?" He growled.

Neville shakily answered, "There's one- the Cruciatus curse."

"Your names Longbottom?"

Neville nodded, as Moody told Neville to join him up front.

"Engorgio!" Moody said as he pointed his wand at the spider. The spider instantly became bigger and I winced at the sight.

Ron and I shared a common fear, spiders. I quickly looked over as Ron's eyes went wide and he gulped nervously.

"Crucio!" Moody yelled and I snapped my eyes back to the front of the class.

The spider immediately began to scrunch its body in weird forms and screeched in pain. Neville witnessing this whole thing up close, began to look extremely uncomfortable and wincing at the sight in front of him.

"Stop it! Can't you see its bothering him!" I yelled making Moody snap out of his trance. Moody walked up to me and cleared his throat, "perhaps you can give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Black?" I shook my head and looked away from him.

"Well..." Professor said and then pointed his wand at the spider, "Avada Kedavra!" The room was eerily silent as he took a swig from his flask and dismissed us.

The entire walk back to our common rooms was quiet and the atmosphere uneven. After we grabbed our books for our last class, the gang started talking about what had happened in DADA, but I personally wanted to forget about it.

As I listened to their conversation I silently prayed that the next class wouldn't be as traumatizing as the last one.

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