Chapter Thirty-three

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A/N- not much to say here! Short chapter, I'm gearing up for the dramatics to follow the year with the Lupin family 🥺

"It's always been you.."

**Dreas Pov**

The next day we all woke up and Ginny and I went to our separate rooms to get ready. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and threw my hair up. It was Sunday, and Sundays were meant for relaxing.

As I threw on a quick makeup look, I thought about last nights events.

Did Theo and I break up? Did Malfoy say he loved me more than Theo?

I was still in surprise about everything that happened. Honestly I didn't quite blame Theo for acting the way he did. However, he could've chosen to not do it on my birthday.

As we walked to our table for breakfast, you could see the Weasley twins showing off their pink hair which made us all laugh.
"New hairdo, mates?" Harry asked while trying to suppress a laugh.
"I reckon someone tried to prank us," Fred said, "but we quite enjoy the new look," George finished.

I laughed, "personally I think it looks great, boys," I ruffed their hair as I winked at Harry.

We sat down and I decided to not go over to the Slytherin table just yet. I wanted to see if Theo would make the first move. As I sat in my usual spot the gang looked at me with their eyebrows raised. I shook my head as an answer as I picked up my spoon and ate my oatmeal. My eyes casually grazed the Slytherin table and I wasn't too shocked when Nott didn't even turn around. I looked from the back of Nott's brown wavy hair to see the platinum blond across from him.

Malfoy didn't look up either.
Who knew teenage boys could be more dramatic than girls?

As many Sundays go the gang and I, along with Teddy, decided to go to the lake before we locked ourselves away in the common rooms to do homework.

As it was nearing the end of the year, homework was picking up in preparation for exams. As we journeyed down the hill the light breeze hit our faces, as the clouds threatened a spring rainstorm.

It was a typical beautiful spring day. We took our seats at our usual rock spot, Hermione sat on the ground next to me as Ron, Harry, and Teddy sat on the rock. My head leaning back against Harry. Now that it's been almost a year since the unfortunate events that took place between Harry and I, we finally were back to our friendship we had before.

If it wasn't for the confusing events of last night and the homework looming over me, this would've been a relaxing start to Sunday. Teddy and Ron played a round of wizarding chess as Hermione and Harry talked about the upcoming essay due in CoMC, and I stared out into the lake.

"Hey look! I guess since his fathers a professor he's got all the free time in the world," Malfoy sneered.

I whipped around to look at the four boys who were all laughing at Malfoy's comment. Although Malfoy has shown his soft side this year, not everyone has the luxury of seeing it yet.

"Now now Malfoy, he's only a second year," Riddle said with a grin.
"Exactly, that's why my father just wrote the essay for me instead," Teddy sarcastically said without even glancing their way. I always admired Teddy. He never let anyone bother him.

I quickly tried to look at Theo hoping he would divert the situation, but he just glared at me in his smug Theodore Nott way.

It was as if he was saying oh you want me to say something? I rolled my eyes and turned back around not giving them the time of day.

"What's wrong love? Trouble in paradise?"
I just knew if I turned around Malfoys sneer would be across his face. I knew he was saying it to get a rise out of me and Theo.

Malfoy knew what he was doing, his cunning Slytherin charm was showing by the minute. I finally turned around, as Theodore punched Malfoy in the shoulder.

"Who's she got to blame that on? Huh Malfoy?" Harry stood to face them.

Theo looked at Draco waiting his reply, and suddenly I found homework more appealing than dealing with the testosterone that was overwhelming the lake now. I quickly got up and shot them all a look as I walked away.

I heard Malfoy laugh "was it something I said?" I rolled my eyes at nothing in particular as I made my way up the hill.

When I made it to the dormitories I decided to do my homework alone in my room for some piece and quiet. I sat at my desk and opened my potions book, but I found myself rereading the same line over and over again.

Frustrated I put my head on my desk and sighed. As I sat there, I heard a knock on my door. Sighing again I got up and opened the door, when I opened it I stood there shocked for a moment.

"Are you going to let me in, darling?" Theo said with his charming smirk.

"What the hell? Now you want to talk to me?" I stared at him, frozen.

He pushed passed me and took in my dorm for a second, "it's definitely cleaner than I imagined," he laughed and sat at the foot of my bed.

"What do you want, Theo?" I stated with my arms crossed glaring at him.

"Well I figured we'd have to chat eventually Might as well be now after you stormed off from the lake."

"Well I'm sorry I was a bit sick of being the topic of discussion for two days in a row." I ran my fingers through my hair. "It was my birthday, Theo, what the hell was that yesterday?" I stated and started to pace around the room.

He was quiet for awhile and watched me as I paced.

"Can you like, not do that?" He said as he patted the spot next to him. I shot him a look and sat down next to him.

"I know, that was really an asshole thing to do, Drea," he shook his head and looked at me. "But you've been off for weeks. I know you, Drea and you aren't into this anymore." He pointed his finger between him and me.

We looked at each other as he sighed and continued, "You were distracted when we kissed at the picnic yesterday, it was hard to not notice the fact that Malfoy stopped playing when we started dancing together-"

I cut him off, "so you decided to start all of this on my birthday?" I stared at him.

"It wasn't my brightest moment, I'll admit, but I was hurting."

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything, I just leaned my head in the bed post. At some point, his hand reached for mine and his thumb ran across my hand to comfort me.

After a few more minutes of us sitting there, he finally asked,
"Do you still like him... Malfoy?"

I lifted my head off of the post and looked at him taking in his features, his brown eyes looked soft and sad.

"Theo..." I softly said avoiding his eyes.
He put his hand on my thigh as he got up and said, "well darling, that settles it," he leaned down and kissed my cheek and whispered "and thank you for a wonderful few months," and he walked out of my dorm.

I fell back down on the bed and looked up at my ceiling, well that was interesting I thought.

After what seemed like hours, but was probably only minutes later, Hermione and Ginny came knocking on my door.

"Always, open for you guys," I said and they came in.

I knew they probably saw Nott come in here, or at least heard of it, so I said "yes Nott and I broke up, no I'm not particularly sad about it,"

"I figured that's why we brought this," Hermione said bringing ice cream out of her bag.

"Where did you?-"

"nicked it from the kitchen," they both said simultaneously.

We all scrunched in together on the bed as we ate spoonfuls of ice cream and I told them about all that happened between Nott and I, but assuring them I was not going to be after Malfoy.

Again, if it wasn't for my confusing thoughts and the looming homework it would've been a perfect end to the night.

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