Chapter Forty-seven

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"And suddenly you were everything I cared about"

Unfortunately the next few days and weeks dragged on. I still felt just as numb and as we got closer to the task, I was panicking.

All of the champions had been forced to take pictures for the Daily Prophet, and interview with the horrid Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter was a journalist who took every opportunity to embellish the truth, she was awful. She had written a lovely piece about how Harry had felt pressure from his parents and overshadowed by their heroism in the war, so he entered himself.

She had written about how I was in tears over not knowing my mother, and that I couldn't answer any questions because I was sobbing too hard. In reality I had just refused to answer any of the questions she asked.

After our interviews we also had to have our wands checked by Mr. Ollivander to make sure they worked properly for the tournament.

Ron had still been ignoring Harry and I despite my best efforts of getting Ron to at least talk to Harry. Hermione had finally let slip that Ron always felt overshadowed by his other brothers, and Harry, since his parents were famous for defeating Voldemort. I figured once the first task happened, he would understand that we wanted nothing to do with the fame and fortune that may come out of being the Triwizard Champion.

Between keeping Harry company, Hermione and my father nagging me about what I was going to do about the first task, Draco and I hadn't even talked about the night in the tower.

Although that kiss is one of the only things I could think about besides the tournament. We had both made small talk to each other, and he had asked me how preparing for the tournament was coming, but other than that... nothing. I had even lied to Draco, saying that I felt prepared. Now the tournament was in a week and I barely felt ready at all.

Today was the first Hogsmede trip of the year and what was once something I looked forward to, was now something I dreaded.

The name calling from any of the houses or visiting schools had not ceased. They had started to wear badges in support of Cedric and when Harry walked by they turned to say Potter Stinks!

I wasn't exactly sure why my name wasn't on the badge, but I am positive either Malfoy or Nott had something to do with it. I made a mental note to ask them and them thank them later.

As I was making my way down the corridor before the Great Hall stairs, I felt a cold hand grab my arm and yank me into an empty classroom.

"What the hell, Black?" Malfoy hissed as he closed the door to the classroom.

"I'm sorry?"

"You haven't prepared one bit for this task and it's next week!" He yelled as he stood in front of me, scowling.

"I've been busy," I mumbled, but he shot me a dissatisfied look.

"Bullshit you're avoiding it." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, glaring at me.

"Well?" He said once he realized I wasn't going to answer him.

"I guess you're right, it's just I don't even know where to start. My fathers sent me spells to practice.. but it's just.... I don't even want to compete.." I defeatedly answered him.

"So your solution was to.. let me get this straight... NOT practice at all?" He scoffed as he ran his fingers through his platinum blond hair.

"You aren't going to Hogsmede," he ordered.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do, Malfoy?" I said angrily as I headed towards the door.

He quickly took out his wand and locked the door so I couldn't get out.

"I have a wand to you know," I said as I pulled mine out to unlock the door.

"I'm not letting you get yourself killed in this tournament, Black," he still sounded angry, but it was lighter this time.

I turned back around to face him and rolled my eyes, "okay. Fine, where do we start?"

We spent the afternoon in the classroom practicing basic charms, hexes, and jinxes. Once Malfoy was satisfied with my practice, he made me promise that we would come back everyday until the tournament.

It made me laugh how much he cared, but it was nice having someone help me practice. Unfortunately, Hermione has been caught up with all the Ron and Harry dramatics and my father was at home.

Before we left the classroom, I was sitting on top of one of the brown tables and Draco was standing in front of me.

"So who told you I lied?" I glared at him.

"I think you know the answer to that, Black," he answered laughing a little.

"Hermione, gosh I love her but sometimes she gets on my nerves," I said.

He laughed and then I asked, "so I assume it was you or Nott who made sure no one put my names on those badges?"

"I wish I could take the credit for that, but it was Nott," he answered.

I nodded and jumped down from the top of the table where I was seated.

"You know.. um.. I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened in the astronomy tower," Draco said hesitantly.

I raised an eyebrow at him and urged him to continue. He stood there for a second looking at me, seeming like he was deciding whether or not to keep going.

He looked back down at the ground and said, "I meant it, what I said.." and then he looked back up at me.

"You mean the part where you confessed you liked me since first year?" I teased. He shot me a look and then moved closer to me, so we were inches apart again.

"I don't recall you saying whether you felt the same?" He whispered as he brushed a piece of my curly hair behind my ear.

He looked down at my lips and back up at my eyes. I smiled at him and walked towards the door saying, "I think you know the answer to that." He pouted playfully, which made me laugh and we walked out of the classroom together.

As we exited the classroom, Harry came running almost right into us.

"Drea listen," he started and then realized Draco was right next to me and he stood frozen in his tracks.

He looked between us for a second, realizing we had just left a classroom, and then looked back and forth at us nervously.

I coughed, hoping this would snap him out of it. He shook his head and then looked back at me, "listen, uhhh," he looked at Draco again and Draco just raised his hands and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Once Malfoy was a good distance away, he leaned against the wall, waiting.

"Yes Harry? I'm listening," I said annoyed.

"Right, sorry," he started and then spoke in a whisper, "Hagrid was at the Three Broom Sticks with Mad-Eye. He had whispered to me for both of us to meet him at his cabin at midnight. He also pressed the fact I needed to bring my cloak."

I looked at him for a second and then said, "alright, I'll meet you in the common room at 11:30 then... and also Harry, you can trust him, Draco."

Harry looked at me and looked down at Malfoy who was now throwing a green apple up in the air and then catching it.

"Right. Well, I'll see you later then," he said and walked towards the Great Hall for dinner.

Once Harry and I were done talking, Malfoy had walked back over to me.

"So what did Potter want?" He asked.

"I'm not sure exactly, but when I find out I'll let you know," I answered and looked at him to see if this would satisfy him.

I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't, but he didn't press further. He shrugged and we both followed Harry into the hall to eat.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now