Chapter Thirty-five

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"We're just strangers with some memories..."

The days that followed went by in a whirlwind of events. Dumbledore had asked us what happened that night by the whomping willow and Malfoy and Riddle got house points taken and a detention.

Malfoy had tried multiple times to talk to me and I avoided him at all costs. Thankfully, we hadn't had to partner up again in potions so I didn't have to deal with him there either.

It was now the end of May and we were starting final exams week. Thankfully, we had the weekend to cram as much as possible before they started. Everywhere you walk in the castle students were buzzing about their summer plans or cramming for their final exams.

We were sitting in the great hall for breakfast. I was picking at my plate as the owls came rushing in dropping todays mail. When the letter dropped in my lap and I saw who it was from I immediately looked at Harry to see if he got one too. We both quickly moved closer to each other to open our letters. Taking one quick look at each other we began to read:

Harry and Drea,
Please meet me in my classroom after breakfast.
Uncle Moony.

I reread the letter again and nervously looked at Harry who was looking away from the Gryffindor table. I followed his gaze to Teddy who was picking at his breakfast, looking awfully upset.

"Harry?" I whispered.
He looked at me reassuringly.

Not having an appetite anymore, we both quickly left for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. We were silent as we walked through the corridors, every once in awhile we looked at each other with nervous glances. When we entered the classroom, Uncle Remus was standing at the front of his classroom with his wand out packing.

I took in Uncle Remus' appearance, he looked rough even for it being a few weeks after the events. I couldn't imagine what he looked like right after that night.

"I've looked worse, believe me," Uncle Remus said, noticing we both were staring.

"You've been sacked," Harry said as he took a step into the classroom.

"No. No I resigned actually."

We both looked at Uncle Moony confused and shocked. He was the best DADA professor we ever had.

"Resigned? Why?" I managed to get out.

"Well, it seems that somebody has let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want" he paused and looked at us both, "well... someone like me teaching their children."

"But Dumbledore," Harry tried to persuade him.

"Has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides people like me.. well let's just say that I'm used to it by now.." and he flicked his wand at another suitcase.

"Don't look so miserable, you'll see me this summer," he chuckled.

I couldn't help it, I liked having my uncle at school and I felt even worse for Teddy.

Not only that, but I was going to make Malfoy pay for this.

"If I'm proud of anything, it is how much you two learned this year.. now since I'm no longer your teacher I feel no guilt in hiding the fact that I know you two have that map. I don't know how you got it, but I trust you three will be more responsible with it then we were," He chuckled.

Harry and I quickly looked at each other and laughed. Uncle Moony pulled us into a hug and he said "goodbye, I'll see you both soon on holiday," and with that he left the office.

The mood of today reflected the weather outside, gloomy and I found it hard to want to study for finals. I quickly grabbed a blanket from my room and left for the Astronomy tower.

I sat at the edge with my legs dangling and the blanket around me, staring at the sky that threatened rain. I didn't even turn around when the footsteps came behind me, knowing already who it was.

"Stalking me now, Malfoy?" I snapped at him.

"I mean when you ignore someone for so long what else am I suppose to do?" He answered as he sat next to me.

I immediately went to get up, and he grabbed my wrist to keep me from moving. My head whipped to face him and I glared at him, "I'm sorry, but I have somewhere to be,"
"Black, stop. If you'd just let me explain," his grey eyes also reflected the weather.

Gloomy seemed to be the mood of the entire day. "I have nothing to say to you, your little facade doesn't faze me anymore, Malfoy," I yanked my arm away and walked towards the door.

He quickly made his way and grabbed my wrist again and pulled me to face him, "dammit Black just listen to me," he seethed. I stared back at him, waiting for his response. I couldn't help but notice that even when I was furious with him my heart still raced whenever he looked at me.

"You have one minute, Malfoy" I threw the blanket down and I crossed my arms as I waited. He sighed and ran his fingers through his platinum blond hair,

"Riddle was convinced your Uncle was a werewolf. I told him to drop it, but he wouldn't."

He began pacing back in forth as he tried to
explain, "that day he ran off once he saw Teddy and your uncle heading towards the whomping willow. I couldn't let him go alone, especially if professor was a bloody werewolf. It wasn't the smartest idea." He made sure to state before continuing, "Once we saw your friends leaving the tree, Riddle grabbed Lupin and held him by the cliff forcing him to tell the secret and that's when you walked up," he sighed and looked at me. "Honestly, I didn't mean for it to get that far, and I lost track of time" he took a step toward me, but I took one backwards.

I stood there arms crossed, quietly for awhile. "And you told everyone Uncle Remus is a werewolf... why?" I stated.

"I didn't tell anyone. I actually threatened Riddle that I'd hex him if he told anyone either."

I scoffed, "Like Snape would tell the whole school about him. Malfoy, honestly I'm not that thick."

"I'm bloody serious!" He didn't quite yell, but he wasn't quiet either.

Honestly now that I think about it, Snape hated Uncle Moony so he probably would tell the whole school.

"I don't know Draco, I really thought you changed. But the last few days it's like old Malfoy is back," I shook my head and picked up my blanket as I started to walk towards the door.

"Don't leave me in this abyss," he whispered and I turned around, "Have a good summer, Malfoy," and I walked out.

**** End of Third Year***

A/N and that's a rap!
Next year is the tri wizard tournament and things pick up! Thanks for bearing with me.

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