Chapter Seventy-one

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"Numbing the pain for awhile will make it worse when you finally feel it.."

I landed with a thud on the wooden floor, my body exhausted over just being cursed. I was correct in thinking the cup was a portkey.

"Where are we?" Harry asked as we all stood up and looked around.

We were in a large room, the ceiling was about thirty feet high, beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging from them. Stone pillars were around the walls, on one wall there was a large fireplace in the middle, with a few chairs next to it. Around the room there were a few old fashioned styled chairs and lamps. It was a rather odd room, being so large but so empty.

As we wandered around the room trying to figure out if this was part of the task or not, worry seeped its way through my body.

"Drea.." Cedric whispered as he stared at a far end of one of the walls.

I walked over to see what he was looking at, my eyes went wide as Harry stood next to me.

We stood there frozen as we looked at the portrait of Lucius Malfoy.

We were in Malfoy Manor.

Harry looked at me terrified.
It was as if Lucius was waiting for us to notice his portrait, as the minute Harry turned to me, we heard a pop behind us.

Lucius appeared in front of the fire place, holding Draco.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my chest, I felt as if I couldn't breathe.


He knew.
He knew he would disappear and he did all those nice things for me, because he knew.

My brain raced as I tried to put all the pieces together. I felt as if I would pass out any moment.

I looked at Draco, horrified. He refused to look at me. If I didn't feel entirely numb, I would have collapsed in tears.

He knew.

He betrayed us.

"Well... well.. well..." Lucius voice was ominous. The hairs on the back of my arms stood as he held Draco in his grip. His ice cold silvery eyes staring down at me, eyes that matched Draco's in appearance, but that's where the similarities stopped, Lucius' eyes were cold and unforgiving.

My eyes darted between Draco and his father, but Draco still wouldn't look at me.

Lucius looked unwell since the last I saw him in The Three Broomsticks. He was pale and had dark circles under his eyes, his long platinum blond hair was tangled. He looked as if he had withstood ten cruciatus curses in a row. Nonetheless, he was terrifying.

"Seem's that your little girlfriend brought an unexpected guest, Draco," Lucius seethed and dropped Draco's collar.

Lucius pulled out his wand and pointed it at Cedric.


Avada Kedavra

Lucius roared and a flash of green light shot out from Lucius's wand.

"NO!" Harry yelled out.

I stood there frozen in fear, my eyes glued to Cedric's lifeless body on the floor.

"Now that he is out of the way," Lucius stepped forward toward me, "throw your wands on the ground."

Harry looked as if he'd protest but I shook my head slightly and tossed my wand down.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now