Chapter Sixty-The Holiday Part 2

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"Time together as a family is a gift.."

After Christmas I woke up to my father telling me to write to Draco and tell him he can come tomorrow. I immediately threw back the covers on my bed and darted to the parchment and quill that was lying on my desk.

Dear Dray.
My father said you are more than welcome to come tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you.

I sealed the letter in an envelope and marked it with the Black family seal and gave it to our families owl to send.

"Morning Drea," Harry said as he made his way past me in the living room.

He was wearing blue pajamas and his hair was sticking every which way just like his fathers. We both groggily made our way to the kitchen for breakfast and sat at the table next to Teddy.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice as my father handed me chocolate chip pancakes.

"We were thinking about heading to Hogsmede today to do some errands. You all will be fine by yourself?" Aunt Lily asked the three of us.

We all glanced at each other and then nodded. "Maybe you can even research a bit about that golden egg?" my father said nudging me from across the table.

I rolled my eyes, "holiday is for not researching anything."

He suppressed a laugh and then Uncle James said, "like father like daughter."

Which made my father glare at him.

"Maybe you can practice quidditch?" Uncle James turned to Harry.

Aunt Lily playfully shoved him, and Uncle James said "What? Don't want him rusty in the off season now do we?"

"Or they can do absolutely nothing like good teenage children," Uncle Moony chimed in as he shook the top of mine and Harry's head.

"That sounds delightful," Harry said.

"You act like you do more than nothing at school," Teddy joked.

I laughed as Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I do enough."

"Like father, like son, aye Prongs?" My father said which made my Aunt Lily and Tonks laugh.

Shortly after breakfast they all hugged us goodbye as they left for their errands. The three of us sat in the living room. Teddy was sitting on the chair playing with Squeaky, Harry was sitting on a chair across from him throwing his golden egg up in the air, and I laid sprawled out on the couch reading a book.

"All you have to do is put it in water," I immediately looked up at the boy with the turquoise hair.

Harry had immediately stopped throwing the egg and glanced up at Teddy as well.

"What?" Teddy said, "I heard Cedric talking about it in the prefects bathroom."

"What were you doing in the prefects bathroom?" I asked.

"Their bathrooms are a lot nicer. You should really try it sometime," he shrugged.

Immediately Harry and I looked at each other and got the same idea. We took off towards the bathroom as Teddy followed slowly behind us.

We filled up the tub with water and knelt next to it.

"Alright on the count of three, ready?" Harry asked.

I nodded.

"One, two, three," and we both put our heads under the water.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

"We've taken what you'll sorely miss?" I looked at the boys.

Teddy shrugged and Harry replied with, "what would we sorely miss?"

"I don't know.." I answered. "More importantly who took it?" I finished.

I looked back at Teddy hoping he had the answer, but he shrugged and said, "He didn't mention anything else about the egg besides how he solved it."

"You couldn't have mentioned it to us sooner?" Harry said in his normal sassy tone.

I pushed into his shoulder, to tell him to tone it down.

"It only happened a few days ago. I figured I could wait until now," He answered.

"Thank you Teddy. We appreciate it," I said as I glared at Harry.

"Yeah, thank you." Harry finished.

We cleaned up the bathroom and went back down stairs. The rest of the day was long and boring as we all just waited around the house for our parents to come home.

"Well, how was your day?" Uncle Moony asked as they all came through the front door of Grimmauld place.

"Relaxing," I looked at Harry questionably, and he looked back at me mischievously.

I knew right away what he was doing.

"So you really did nothing all day?" My father asked as he laid some bags down.

"Not even quidditch?" Uncle Prongs said which made me laugh.

"Unless you count solving the golden egg clue? Do you think that counts, Drea?" Harry asked.

"I do think that counts as something, Harry," I said not looking up from my book.

"Did you really?" My father asked.

I shut my book and sat up, "yep."

"Well? What was in it?" Uncle James urged. Harry and I laughed because we got them right where we wanted them.

I laid back down and opened my book, as Harry continued to play exploding snap with Teddy.

"Drea.. Harry, come on now.." Uncle James said.

"You know really we deserve this, they are our children," Uncle Moody said laughing.

We looked up again, "alright we will tell you. Something took what we will sorely miss," Harry said.

They all looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Hmm, well I guess we have time to figure it out," my father shrugged.

"Oh come on, dad!" I said which made him laugh.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you just said that to get back at me.."

"He does have a point, we have the entire rest of the break to figure it out. Come on lets watch a movie." Tonks said as she plopped onto the couch next to me.

The adults all piled onto the couches and the chairs as the boys and I laid on the floor with blankets as we started the movie.
I could hardly pay attention to the pictures moving on the screen. All I could think about was the fact that Draco Malfoy would be at my house in less than twenty-four hours.

A/N Awe cute little family chapter. I love it.

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