Chapter Three-Astronomy Tower

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"So, I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings."
I walked around the castle aimlessly as I listened to the portraits converse with one another. Eventually I made my way to the Astronomy tower, which is where I always went to clear my head.

I had been so frustrated with Harry, first he tells me he likes me, then he wants to talk but wont even talk to me which has never been like him. It was always so easy for us to talk to each other.

As I walked into the Astronomy tower I walked over to the ledge and sat against one of the openings so I could see outside. I watched as a few owls flew by in the distance and at some point I started crying. It was more than being mad at Harry, it was the fact I didn't have a mum. I grew up without her my whole life, but I still found myself wishing for her so I could tell her things and get advice. I'm not sure how long I was up there before I heard someone enter. I quickly dried my tears and looked at the doorway, expecting Hermione. Surprisingly it was Malfoy.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Of course of all people it was him. He probably just wanted to make fun of me for staring at him at the lake, or for crying. I looked back out at the sky, when he broke the silence.

"Oh I uh, I'll leave... I'm sorry," he said, sounding surprisingly sincere.
I looked back at him for a moment, thinking about questioning him. Instead I figured to just let him have his space.
"No. It's okay, I can leave" I said sniffling.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently, walking over to me.
"Have you been up here since earlier?" He asked. I felt my heart race as he walked over to me. Malfoy being near me was never a good thing, and I felt nervous with each step he took towards me.

I just looked out into the sky ignoring him. The sun was starting to set which meant it must've been around 7 o'clock.

"Yeah.. I just wanted to be alone.." I said just above a whisper, trying to hide how nervous I was, and distracting myself by watching the owls fly in the distance.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting down across from me. My breath hitched in my lungs. I could count on one hand the amount of times Malfoy had been this close to me. It was once, first year. Since then he had never been less than a foot away from me, and had never been nice. I listened to my heart beat pick up its pace. I so desperately wish that he would get to the point of why he was up here. If he wanted to pull a prank, or be mean, I wish he'd just do it.

I just looked at him and faked a smile and looked back out into the sky. The owls had disappeared and I found it hard to concentrate on anything but Malfoy being close to me—being nice to me.
"We can talk about it if you need to... or I can sit here with you... or I can leave" he chuckled,
"whichever you prefer" he finished and took his knees to his chest. He crossed his arms on his knees, resting his chin on them, watching me carefully.

"Since when is Draco Malfoy so nice?" I asked, finally breaking my silence.
"I mean you are crying" he laughed and I noticed how it was more of a polite laugh.

I copied the way he was sitting and looked at him, debating on talking to him or just ignoring the boy who bullied me the last two years.
"I'm not here to hurt you, Black," his pale blue eyes, looked at me serious and I sighed. I could tell he meant what he said, he was here to help. I couldn't tell if this calmed me down, or made my heart race more.

I rested my head on my knees, looking out at the now pink sky, "It's just Harry.. He told me he liked me.."
I can't believe I admitted that to Draco Malfoy.. I mean we aren't even friends.

He stared at me for a moment and then asked with a hint of confusion in his voice, "And that's a problem?"
"I just don't want things to change between us.." I looked at him again.
"You guys are like family, no?"
"Yeah our families were at Hogwarts together, they all grew very close. Especially fighting in the Wizarding War.. they were," I hesitated for a moment, knowing his father was on the opposite side and hated my family, "apart of the Order.. his parents are my godparents and vis versa," I glanced down at my feet and then finished with, "I don't know why I told you that... you obviously know that they were apart of the Order.." I felt my cheeks turn pink from embarrassment.

He laughed a little at my embarrassment, "I see, that's actually kind of nice. I don't really have much family besides my mum and father. Seeing how most of them got thrown into Azkaban during that war," he gave me a wink, and I turned an even darker shade of red.

I wasn't sure what to reply to that so I just looked out at the sky. My family were the ones to put his into prison, it was the whole reason his family in the first place.

Finally he said, "it's okay you know. I'm glad they lost they deserved it," He looked at me with a hopeful smile.

I smiled back a smile that tried to show I believed what he was saying. For the past two years he had shown the complete opposite of being glad they lost. I looked out and stood at the railing, watching the sun set on the horizon.

I felt the air move as he came to stand next to me, "You know I come up here most nights."

"You do not because I come up here most nights." I said back, shocked. I figured I would have seen him at least once. Especially since every time I do see him he can't help but make some sort of nasty remark at me.

"Well actually you get here first and I just wait till you're done and then come afterwards," He said this quietly and I wonder how much he knows I come up here to cry sometimes about my mother.

"Listen, why don't I just send my owl to you and I can ask whether or not you are up here, or what time? Then we dont have to run into each other if we dont want to" He said.
"Yeah.. that sounds great," and I sounded more confused then what I wanted. I quickly turned away from the railing and right before leaving I turned around to face the platinum blond. He was watching the sunset and I stood for a moment before saying, "Hey Malfoy?"

He turned around, leaning his back on the railing, "Yeah, Black?"

"Thanks," I smiled.

He nodded and turned back around towards the sky. I left the tower and went back to my dorm.

When I got back Hermione was. waiting for me on my bed and I explained to her what Harry said.
She had a confused look on her face, but she didn't say anything. We sat together for awhile laying down and talking about our classes we would have tomorrow.

How are we liking it? We enjoying that Malfoy isnt a total ass? He has his moments of course. I honestly swoon over nice Draco with a little sass. Keep reading and let me know what you want to see**

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