Chapter Fifty-six The Night Before the Ball

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"We think about each other a little too often to be just friends."
** Draco's POV**

The weeks up until Christmas holiday were always piled high with homework and exams, this year was no different.

I spent most of my time avoiding Black in the library as her and Nott hung out. It wasn't one of my brightest ideas, letting the girl I like go to the ball with her ex boyfriend.. but it was the best thing I could come up with at the time.

I was sitting in the library pretending to study as Granger of all people ran up to me.

"You made Nott ask her didn't you?" She didn't really ask, but stating the fact she knew.

Her arms were crossed as she glared down at me.

I didn't look up from my book as I replied, "I'm studying, Granger.. leave me alone."

She didn't move as she stayed there with her arms crossed and glaring at me.

I slammed my book shut and scowled back at her, "how'd you know?"

She smiled a proud smile and said, "because Nott would've came to class the next day with a black eye if he did it without you knowing."

I smiled a sly smile back at her, "I suppose you're right.. does Black know?"

She shook her head, "No, but I imagine she will figure it out eventually. Either that or they'll get back together."

I tried to hide the look of anger on my face, but she was already looking down at me trying to gauge my reaction.

She laughed, "I knew it.. Oh Malfoy, you better let her know."

I scowled at her, "Thanks, Granger but I don't need advice from a-" I stopped and corrected myself from saying mudblood, "from you," I finished.

As Granger walked away I thought about what she was saying and sighed as I made my way back to the Slytherin common room.

As I was walking down the hall I heard someone call my name and I turned around quickly and scowled at Parkinson who was jogging to greet me.

"Jeeze Malfoy, I am only asking what time you want to meet tomorrow," she said out of breath.

I had made the grave mistake of asking Pansy to the Yule Ball as a last resort. She now has clung to me at every chance she can when I am not in the library.

"I'll meet you outside of the Great Hall fifteen minutes before it starts," I answered and quickly continued before she said another word.

When I entered the common room I heard a familiar voice. As I looked at the green velvet couches I immediately froze, Black and Nott were sitting on the couches talking and laughing. Rage flew throughout me as I walked up to them clenching my fist by my side as a way to suppress my anger.

"Oh hey, Malfoy," Black said.

I ignored her and looked at Nott trying to gauge his reaction to me stumbling upon them.

Apparently he could sense my rage, because he immediately said "let's go talk for a second, Malfoy."

He stood up and grabbed my arm and dragged me across the common room to the windows that looked out underneath the Black Lake.

"What exactly are you doing, Nott?" I seethed and suppressed the urged to shove him against a wall.

"We are just friends, Malfoy," he assured.

"It looks like you're a lot closer than that."

"Dammit Draco. Listen go tell her-"

"Go tell her what?"

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