Chapter Seventy-four

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A/N: The last chapter of my first book! WOW!! Thank you for Following me on this journey. Stay tuned for years 5 and on!
"Is it wrong to be this young, and this tired?"

****Drea's POV****

We made it to the train with two minutes before it departed from Hogsmead Station. Right before we stepped onto the train I looked at Draco and said, "Thank you for telling me everything. There was nothing more you could do."

I kissed his cheek before I made my way onto the train.

As Draco and I made our way through the train to find Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the atmosphere felt heavy. Normally the train was bustling with anticipation for the summer, but it all felt different.

Draco and I found my friends in one of the compartments, they seemed to feel the heaviness too, as they sat in silence. I sat next to Hermione and looked at the ground unsure of what to say or how to say it.

I finally settled with,"What happens now?"

Everyone looked at me shocked. Besides speaking to Draco just a few moments earlier, I hadn't spoken to any of them in days.

"Hagrid said something to us before we left. 'What's comin' will come and we will meet it when it does,' and I think he is right. We don't know what's coming, but there is no sense worrying about it now... we will just have to wait and meet it when it does," Harry said giving me a comforting look.

I nodded in agreement with Harry. I sat with my head on Draco's shoulder as the casual conversation finally began to pick up. I sat quietly lost in my thoughts as Draco played with the ring on my finger, thinking whether or not my father was okay.

***Flashback First year***

I stood at King's Cross station with my family as Harry, Teddy, and I were all about to board the Hogwarts Express for the first time. I looked at Uncle James and Aunt Lily as they talked to Harry. All Uncle James has ever talked about since we were little is how Harry is going to be the youngest seeker Hogwarts has ever seen. He was beaming with pride as he looked at his son, as he was trying to get him to be friends with Oliver Wood, the quidditch captain that year. Aunt Lily smacked him on the back of the head, making me laugh.

"He will be just fine, learning magic and making friends, James," she said.

I hugged them goodbye and then walked over to Uncle Moony and Tonks, who were lecturing Teddy about using his metamorphmagus abilities in public. Teddy winked at me as I hugged his parents goodbye.
I stood in front of my father as he kneeled down and looked in my eyes.

"Hey, little one, you nervous?" He said.

I nodded, "what if I get sorted into Slytherin?" I said as I played with my hands.

He lifted my chin up to look at him,
"You know, I once knew someone who was in Slytherin. He always chose to do what was right, no matter the cost. You remind me of him.

You will be just fine," He kissed my forehead.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"That is a story for another time," he smiled at me.

"What if I'm in Hufflepuff?" I said with a little smile forming.

"Then I wouldn't be surprised," My father laughed.

The train whistle blew, telling us it was time to board.

"What if I miss you too much?" I asked as I hugged him goodbye.

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