Chapter Fifteen- The letter

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"We wander into the wintry woods to live a quiet dream."

-Angie Weiland-Crosby

I opened the window and the familiar owl flew in and landed on my dresser. I quickly shut the window, to keep the cold air from rushing in and made my way over to the owl.
Why was he sending me a letter this late? Is he okay? I thought as I held the letter in my hand. I sat on my bed as I tore open the seal.

Hello little Padfoot,

Please do not be worried over this letter, I know it is late. I am so sorry it has been awhile since I wrote to you. I have been keeping myself busy as normal. Your uncles and I have been talking about where we should go for winter holiday, but have decided to stay back at Uncle James and Aunt Lily's place. We don't want you missing the Yule ball, so we will pick you up the next morning. Thank God they moved that awful ball from Christmas Eve to two days before.
Also, darling, I heard you are friends with Malfoy? What is this about? Please be safe.
- 🐾

Father always signed his letters to me with his paw prints, it was something special he started my first year at Hogwarts.
As I read the last line, I knew that was the real reason he had sent me the letter in the first place.

I took the letter and stormed out of my dorm toward the boys dormitories. I knocked furiously on Harry's dorm waiting for him or Ron to answer.
"I know you are in there! Harry James Potter you open this door!" I yelled as I continued pounding on the door.
Finally, he opened the door. He was wearing red plaid pajama pants and a grey t-shirt.
"Drea, are you okay?" He asked as he looked at me.
"No I'm not bloody okay," I stormed passed him and into his dorm, nodding to a red faced Ron who was sitting on the edge of his bed.
"What the hell did you tell my father about Malfoy? Not to mention, why?" I said as I crossed my arms and glared at him.
"Drea you know the Malfoys, you know they hate us and would do anything to get back at us for what our parents did! Especially your father!" He said, anger rising with each word.
"You're such an ass, Harry! You're just jealous!" I yelled back. "
"Drea stop! I'm not jealous, you know the truth," he yelled.
"Harry, I don't need you to look out for me. Just stop telling my father about Malfoy. It's neither of your concern."
I looked back at him, my eyes pleading.

"You don't... you aren't falling for him are you? He's a Malfoy! And its probably all just an act to get you close to him. You know what he's capable of!" He hissed at me.

I glared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"You do like him!" He yelled.
"And what if I do?" I yelled, storming up to him, peering into his green eyes.
"You know who he is. You know who his father is," Harry said more calm this time.

"I have spent more time with Malfoy and I think he's different," I shrugged.
"I'm just looking out for you. You're my best friend," he said grabbing my hand.
"I don't need you to look out for me," I said as I took my had away from his and shoved passed him, "and for the record he's just my friend," I finished before slamming the door.

I made it halfway to my dorm before Harry stopped me.
"I'm sorry for telling your father. It's just-" He said as I turned to face him.
"I know you care, but you have to trust me," I answered.
He nodded, and pulled me into a hug.
"It's your house this Christmas," I said smiling into his chest.

Harry and I were best friends and more like siblings. It was always that way and I'm glad that things were back to normal.

We both enjoyed how his mum decorated his house for Christmas, it made it feel magical.
We pulled apart the hug and then I made my way back to my dorm and wrote to my father.

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