Chapter Twenty-Four

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"What happens when people open their hearts?
They get better."

- Haruki Murakami

*Trigger warning-abuse is mentioned***

**Dreas POV**

Classes started back up and with it homework came full force. I spent a lot of my time focusing on classes, to get my mind off of Draco. He had still offered to help in potions, but I didn't really need it, thanks to his help last term.

We were well into February, and neither one of us had asked the other to go up to the tower. I think we both needed our space to try and be at peace with what couldn't be.

I had tried to break my habit of looking over at the Slytherin table, but it didn't work. My eyes would always linger, waiting for him to look at me, but Draco only looked back after I had looked away.

It was now the last week of February and Gryffindor and Slytherin were playing against each other this weekend. The game had been postponed last semester due to some player getting injured. Now Blaise was on the team, along with Theo, and Draco. As always, each house was on edge. This was a very important game for Slytherin, because if they lost then we were first for the cup.

This made Slytherin try any and all tactics to get the Gryffindors off their game. They would call us names, pull pranks to get us detention, you name it- they did it. It was my least favorite game in the weeks leading up to it, but my favorite to watch.

That Friday before the game, Snape had paired us back into our partners from last semester. I'm sure this was a scare tactic for Harry, since Nott was his partner.

I looked back at Harry to make sure he was doing alright, and I watched as he ignored Nott.
I grabbed my seat next to Draco, and Snape explained what potion we were making. It was some antidote for an uncommon poison.
"You may begin," Snape announced in his deep scraggly voice, and with that we got started.

We both opened our books and Draco went to the supply closet to grab the ingredients. When he got back we slowly started with the potion.

"How's your semester so far?" I asked him, trying to make small talk.
"It's going well, you?" He said still not making eye contact with me.

"It's going," I sighed, and put an ingredient into the cauldron, "Any word on what's going on with your father?" I whispered.

"No, and I intend to stay out of it for as long as possible," he answered this very short and I realized he probably didn't want to talk to me.

The rest of the class time was spent in silence as we finished the potion together. When we put the last item in, his hand accidentally brushed mine, making him flinch back and quickly look at me. I looked in his eyes for that brief moment, he looked sad and tired.

"Sorry-I" he started to say, I cut him off and said,
"I haven't seen that ring before, I like it, Slytherin ring I suppose?" I asked and took his hand so I can see it.
His touch was like electricity pulsing through me, especially since he hasn't been that close to me in weeks.
I looked at him, and he nodded and brought his hand down to his side.

"I really like it, fits you well, Malfoy," I said as Snape came by and took a sample of our potion.

After we cleaned up, Snape explained that we didn't have homework. This was a positive to Gryffindor playing Slytherin, he never assigned homework so the Slytherins could focus on the upcoming match.

We all tried not to act too happy before he took away that privilege, or just the Gryffindors. I gave one last smile to Draco, and headed out the doors for Care of Magical Creatures. There was still snow on the ground so it was still in one of the upstairs classrooms.

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