Chapter Fifty-four

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"Monsters are real and they look like people."

*trigger warning**
*Dracos pov**

The next morning I woke up to Topsy, one of my families house elves, telling me my father needed me downstairs.

I hurried and showered and threw on my green sweater and some jeans, and walked down the lonely hallways of the manor down to my fathers study.

I knocked on the door as he ushered me to come in, "Sit, Draco," he said as he gestured to the green velvet chair by his desk.

I squeezed my fist to stop myself from shaking. My father was acting surprisingly cheery, which was never a good sign.

"Son, you have presented me with an opportunity," he said as he glared down at me.

I sat there and played with one of the rings on my fingers as he continued, "As you know, I have been away on business a lot recently. My plans, however for now, do not concern you... but.." I gulped and started shaking my leg nervously, "I need to get the Black family close. I need to know of their plans or what they know is in the works,"

I cut him off "what do you mean what's in the works? What is in the works you need to know, father?"

He looked at me and I thought for a moment I may get slapped for cutting him off, instead he answered my question.

"You know there is a dark force in the works, I need to know what they know about who or what it is," he searched my face to see if I would ask any more questions and when he determined I wouldn't, he continued.

"Therefore, I need you to stay close to Black, use this as an opportunity,"

aware that I may get back handed, I cut him off again, "as a spy?" I snapped at him.

"Yes, Draco," he seethed.

I sat there for a moment and stood up, "No."

I turned around towards the door. My father grabbed my shoulder with his cane and used it to turn me to face him, "What do you mean no," his voice was turning to the familiar anger.

"It means no, father. I'm not doing it," I replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my right eye, and something dripping down my face. I brought my hand up and winced, blood.

"You will Draco, or perhaps I have to persuade you?" He brought out the paper of Drea and I on the front, and I immediately knew whatever it was he was thinking I couldn't let happen.

"Fine. Just don't hurt her," I seethed through the pain in my right eye. Surely it would be bruised by now.

"Oh Draco, don't tell me you really do care for the blood traitor."

I looked at him and replied, "don't hurt her," and walked out of the door.

I chuckled as I walked myself back to my room. Of course last night went well, because he hadn't thought of all the possibilities on how he could use this to his advantage.

Later that night mum appeared and gave me medicine for my eye. Which was now so swollen I couldn't see out of it, and then she quickly took out her wand and healed the wound for me.

"It should clear up before you go back Monday," she said soothingly as she caressed my cheek.

"He wants me to use Drea. Wants me to get closer to her and her family," I barely looked at her as I said this.

She took her hand and turned my head to make me look at her, "I know, Draco. Just do what he says and you or her won't get hurt," she looked as if she wanted to cry.

Honestly, she looked as if she had aged quite a bit since I saw her last. Her hair had a few more grey spots in it and her eyes looked sad and tired.

I sighed and nodded.

"What happened to him?"

She looked at me sympathetically for a moment before answering, "he was lord Voldemorts right hand man. He said and did things you wouldn't dream of. It's a miracle he didn't end up in Azkaban for the things he witnessed and committed. When you're a passionate follower of someone like him, it does things to you..."

"What sort of things did he do?" I asked hesitantly.

"Things someone your age doesn't need to know about, sweetheart."
She moved her hand to my cheek and finished "he wasn't always like this you know.."

I didn't answer and I knew that hurt her. The truth is, to me he was always like this. He was always this monster. It was easier for me this way, to push out the very few good memories I had of him when I was little. I felt bad for her she had known him before Voldemort, before he was this monster. Now all that was left of her husband was this shadow of a man she barely knew.

She smiled a soft, sympathetic smile and walked towards the door.

Before leaving she said, "I'm sorry, Draco," and walked out.

The rest of my time spent at the manor went by unbelievably slow. There was never anything to do in the manor except read, which was all I did.

My father left me alone all Sunday until it was time for me to return to Hogwarts on Monday. Which made it a bit easier being home.

On Monday, I met my father by the fireplace, where we use the floo network.

"I will not be going with you. I have other matters to attend to.." he said and I looked back at him questioningly.

He ignored my look and said, "remember, get her closer to you," and with that he left the room.

I grabbed a bit of floo powder in my hands and said "Hogwarts."

I arrived as it was nearing dinner time and I made my way into the Great Hall. As I entered I glanced around the hall and noticed all of my friends around the Slytherin table.

As I made my way down the aisle I glanced at the Gryffindor table and noticed she had not arrived yet. I sighed a sigh of relief as I didn't want to explain to her what had happened yet, and made my way to my normal spot at the table next to Nott.

More chapters will be coming regularly again! Thanks for reading <3

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