Chapter Twenty-Six Dracos POV

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"You're still important to me, with or without conversation."

It had been a few weeks since we were in the tower together. I spent the time trying to keep myself busy. Trying to keep my mind off of her. I can't believe I had let myself fall this hard for a Black, when we can't do anything about it.

That night when we confessed our feelings for each other was the best and worst night of my life. After we went our separate ways, I walked back down to the dungeons fuming. I walked to the brick wall where our dormitory was, mumbled, "pure-blood" and stormed through the doors.

There was a party going on, and my friends were sitting on the couches drinking Merlin knows what. I walked closer as Pansy yelled, "Draco! Come here!"
I ignored her and kept walking, mumbling, "of course it was effing Black I had to fall in love with."
When I had made it closer to the couches, I said, "She's effing yours, Nott," and stormed up the steps to my bedroom.

It was no secret Nott fancied her. The only reason he didn't pursue anything with her after Hogsmead, was because I threatened both his and Riddles very existence if they tried.

Now it didn't matter, I couldn't have her. It was final. Just friends, God those two words made me want to punch a wall.
The minute I made it to my dorm I walked into the bathroom and took a shower to calm down. After I laid in bed. It had taken forever, but I eventually fell asleep.

Now with it being a few weeks since then, I was waiting patiently for Nott to make his move. I knew it was coming, and in the mean time I tried to distract myself. Daphne Grengrasses sister had started hanging out with the group a little more, and I had tried to turn my attention to her the best I could as a distraction.

As I was talking to Astoria in the hallway, I saw Drea walking passed. I carefully avoided eye contact and tried to seem as intrigued in Greengrasses conversation as I could. Eventually, we both went down to the Great Hall and that's when I saw it, the inevitable.

I stopped in my tracks. Astoria quickly saw what I was looking at and clung to my side. I tried not to push her away.
They were standing beside the Great Hall doors, her back was facing me and Nott was leaning against the wall. She was wearing her hair up in a bun, and her long white T-shirt hung down over her leggings.
God she was beautiful, it hurt. Why her. I thought, why did I fall for a Black.

They were awfully close, way too close. I knew they had been studying together on most weekends, but this conversation seemed different. She turned around to look at me and the minute I caught her blue eyes, I stormed into the Great Hall ignoring them both.

After a few more minutes I watched as she walked in and sat down to eat. She met my eyes again and smiled, but I ignored her and looked down at my food. My appetite was suddenly gone, and I stood up and left for the common room. As I walked through the corridors I heard someone behind me, "Draco! Wait up!"


I turned around, her and Drea were the only two people who called me by my first name. Frankly, I only liked it when Drea did it.
She ran up to meet me, "are you okay?"
I looked into her brown eyes and they were full of worry. I didn't want her to worry about me, I didn't want her.
"I'm fine," I spat and turned around to keep walking.
Two words ran through my mind again, just friends. It wouldn't do good to dwell on Drea, I needed a distraction.
I stopped and turned around, "Actually, Greengrass, would you like to go to the common room with me?"
She nodded and I put my arm around her shoulder as we walked.

We were sitting in the common room together by the fireplace, talking. It was nice I guess, to talk to someone else for a change, but it still wasn't her. The group walked in and joined us by the fireplace. Blaise gave me a look that said, "seriously? Astoria?" And I just shrugged my shoulders.

I looked at the group, Riddle was there, Zabini, Goyle, and Crabbe, but where was Nott?

"Let's go down to the lake," Riddle suggested and with that we all got up together.
As we made our way down towards the lake, I saw two figures standing by the shore, very close to each other. They were skipping rocks. I knew automatically who it was, Black and Nott.

My face grew hot with anger and I clenched my fists.
She wasn't mine to be angry over, The thought ran through my mind but I pushed it down.
She was standing in front of him, his arm wrapped around her, helping her skip a rock. They were about to kiss when Riddle yelled "get a room," Thank Merlin Riddle can never keep his mouth shut.

They both snapped out of their trance and looked over at us, she caught my eyes and I stormed back off to the castle. I didn't want to sit by the lake seeing my bestfriend cozy up to the girl I wanted most. Greengrass was running after me but I didn't want her. I ignored her every call and just kept walking.

I made it to my bedroom and locked the door. I ran my fingers through my hair, and yelled. Thankfully not many people were in the dorms at this time of the day on a Saturday. I lost Astoria somewhere along the way, or she had just given up. I let every emotion poor out of me. I took a book and threw it against the mirror shattering it to pieces,
I had to fall for a Black.
I yelled.
I took another book and threw it across the room, it hit a shelf and the shelf wobbled a bit.
You had to be an effing Malfoy.
I took my hands and threw everything off of my dresser.
Damn wizarding war.
I punched the stone wall making my knuckles bleed.
Just friends.

I punched the wall again and yelled out in pain, sinking my back against the wall. My knees were tucked up against my chest. Angry tears poured out of me. I was mad at the world, and everything in it.

I stayed like that for who knows how long, before I got up, cleaned and bandaged my knuckles, and laid down in bed.
I didn't leave my dorm for the rest of the night, I didn't want to see Nott and I definitely didn't want to see her.

** poor Draco.
But don't worry, Dreas going to have her moment here soon too. ****

Also- there will be a big plot coming, but I wanted third year to be back stories and some normalcy before everyone's world gets torn upside down and sides have to be made

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