Chapter Sixty-five Back to Hogwarts

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"She carried the universe in her mind and pretended it didn't hurt....."

"Drea-Drea wake up, it's okay."
My eyes shot open, I looked around my dark room panicking, my heart racing.

"Drea, it's okay."
I looked up at Draco who was holding me close to his chest and rocking me back and forth.

I took a few deep breaths and then I asked "What are you doing in here?"

"You had a nightmare, I heard you screaming,"
Draco said gently.

"Where's my father? Anyone else?"

Just as he said that my I heard people gathered by the door. We both looked at my family who was staring at us.

"She's in good hands let's go," my father said as he ushered everyone away.

"Drea are you okay?" He used his fingers to push my chin up so I was looking at him.

"Drea, what happened?" He asked panicked.

I hadn't realized I had been crying.

I buried my face into his chest, "I've been having these nightmares.... Ever since the first task... They stopped during holiday but I guess they are back since we leave tomorrow.."

He played with my hair and brushed the wet pieces that were stuck to my face away.

"I struggle with them too," he said quietly.

I looked up at him, "you do?"

He nodded, "about my father."

"How do you make them stop?"

He sat quietly for a moment and then he said, "The only time I haven't had one I was with you..."

"On the couch?"

He nodded.

"Will you lay with me?"

He nodded and we laid back down in my bed, his arm around me and my head on his chest. He played with my hair softly as I drifted back to sleep.

That morning I woke up and immediately looked next to me, but all I saw was an empty bed. I got up and threw on clothes, quickly braided my hair, and walked down the stairs.

When I got to the dinning room for breakfast, Draco was at the dinning room table with everyone.

"Good morning, Darling," Draco said.

"Good morning," I smiled and grabbed cereal and orange juice and started to eat.

"We have about an hour till we have to be at King's Cross, are you all packed?" Aunt Lily asked us.

Everyone nodded their head except for Harry. To which Aunt Lily responded with her hand pointing to the stairs.

No one mentioned my nightmare from last night. I silently thanked them for just keeping it between Draco and I.

Within the hour we were standing in front of the Hogwarts express and saying goodbye to our parents. We climbed aboard the train and hurriedly looked around for a compartment.

"I'm going to find Nott, Zabini, and Riddle. You coming?" Draco asked.

I looked at Harry and Teddy, I always sat with them, but I really wanted to see my other friends.
Harry rolled his eyes, knowing what I already decided.

"You're a git, I spent all break with you" I said as I took Dracos hand and he led me to the compartment the boys were in.

"Hey guys, how was break?" Nott asked as he moved over next to Riddle to sit.

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