Chapter Thirty-two The Birthday Party

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A/N- So I guess this is part three.... My bad! I didn't want an obnoxiously long chapter so alas, here we are.
But here, its a different sorta title? So...
Anyways! It's a bit dramaticcc.

Please let me know what you think! I appreciate you all.
Sorry for the delay in update, I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy and. It. Is. Awesome.

"It'll always be you.."
*Dreas Pov**

After dinner we all went upstairs to our girls common room. Not many people used that space so it was normally free for us to be able to throw parties or hangout without being bothered by random guests.

We all sat by the fireplace, Theo and I on the small loveseat, Draco across from us on the chair, Blaise on the chair next to Draco, Mattheo is sitting in front of Draco on the floor, and Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the couch. Ginny, being the twit she is suggested we play a game called truth or dare.

In the muggle world, this usually means if you pick truth you can lie without any repercussions... however in the wizarding world, you're forced to take veritaserum if someone thinks you may be lying. I'm praying this is the innocent muggle version, but alas, Theo pulls out the veritaserum.

I shot him a look like where the hell did you get that? But he just shrugged and put it on the coffee table in front of us.

"Alright let's get this show on the road, birthday girl you first," Riddle said.

"Harry, truth or dare?" I asked looking at him.

"Dare," he said confidentially.
I was never good at picking questions or dares, I hated this game really.

"I dare you to turn Fred and George's hair pink," I grinned.
"What's with you and the color pink?" Draco scoffed.
I laughed and said "we could turn your hair pink instead? To match your robes?"

This made Theo laugh and I took his hand and squeezed it, smiling at him.

"Alright, let's go," Harry said.

We quietly walked down to the common room where Fred and George were. I watched from the stairs as Harry walked over behind a chair and said "Crinus Muto" and suddenly their hair turned pink. Harry quickly ran back up the steps and we both turned to watch what followed.

"Fred, your hairs pink!" George said as he jumped up and pointed in the mirror.

"Wicked!" They both replied and ran their fingers through their hair. We both laughed as we went back up the stairs to the party.

"How'd it go?" Zabini asked.
"perfect, although they weren't phased much, typical Weasley twins," I laughed as I sat back down.

"Alright, Potter your turn," Riddle said nudging him.
"Truth or dare, Nott?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Theo.
"I dare you to conjure a snake and let it lose in the girls bathroom."
Harry and Nott quickly left and came back moments later laughing.

"I've never seen so many girls screaming and crying," Nott said as he sat back down.

Theo went quiet for a second, thinking, "Truth or dare... Malfoy," I glanced at Theo and he had a look on his face that certainly meant nothing good.

"Truth," Malfoy surprisingly said. He glared at Nott as if daring him to ask what he was going to ask.
He never chooses truth.
What the hell.

"Is it true you still have feelings for Drea?"

My jaw dropped and I glared at Theo, my eyes trying to make contact with his, but he refused. He was glaring daggers at Malfoy.

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