Chapter twenty-three

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"Just friends they agreed, while it worked for one, the other lied again..."

- Unkown

**Dreas POV**

Once we had arrived to the Potter's, Draco had finally wrote me back. As always, he had made it hard to be mad at him. I could see his charming smile the entire time I read the letter. I wanted to fight the urge not to forgive him, but I had to. He had said he had a good reason.

I had written back and a few days later he had written again,

You have the best heart I know, sure you aren't a Hufflepuff?
Meet me at the Astronomy tower at 8 PM the first day back,
- Dray

Again, as the entire time I read the letter I pictured his charming smirk looking at me, making me laugh when he wrote, sure you aren't a Hufflepuff?

Honestly, the sorting hat did consider it. As the hat was placed on my head it almost immediately sorted me in Hufflepuff, however it took a second and had said that I would do better in Gryffindor. Im sure anyone who knew me, was just as shocked as I was when the hat had said it.

The next two days were spent waiting to board the Hogwarts Express and spending as much free time we could as a family. Finally, it was time to go to Kings Cross Station. When we arrived the first thing my eyes did was search for Draco. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him. Harry, Teddy, and I were saying goodbye to our parents when I saw my father look up and make eye contact with someone. I turned around and saw Malfoy sitting by the train, trying to avoid my fathers gaze. I suppressed a laugh as I watched him find the red paint on the train more appealing than anything else around him.

I looked back at my father and thought in my head, please don't go over there please don't go over there.
But as I learned all too quickly, my father is no legilimens. I watched as he walked over to Malfoy who had moved to a corner so they could talk privately.
Oh shit, was all that ran through my mind.

I waited several minutes before my father came around the corner, grinning.
"What did you say to him?" I said displaying my annoyance.
"I just wanted to make sure you were safe," he said as he kissed me on the forehead.
I rolled my eyes and hugged him goodbye.
We all took turns giving each other hugs and saying goodbye, and eventually it was time to board the train.

As always, the train was bustling with excitement on being back with friends after the holidays. Harry and I opened the compartment and we found Hermione and Ron waiting for us. As we talked and ate sweets, I stared out the window thinking about meeting with Draco later that night.

Finally we had arrived at Hogwarts and escorted into the Great Hall for dinner. As we sat at dinner, I glanced up at the Slytherin table. It was becoming second nature to look at him at every meal. He was already looking at me, which made me blush. He was wearing his green sweatshirt, which made his grey eyes pop, and his hair was hanging loosely in front of his face. He waved at me, and mouthed, "40 minutes." I smiled and looked away as I felt myself blush harder.

The rest of dinner we ate and talked with Seamus and Dean about their holiday, and before long we were dismissed for the night. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs to grab my blanket, and before I left I told Hermione I'd be back later.

I was so excited that I basically ran the entire way to the tower. I only stopped running before I got to the stairs of the tower, so it didn't seem as if I was out of breath. When I reached the top and opened the door I saw him waiting for me.

"Evening, Black," he said as he leaned against the railing, looking at me. "Fancy meeting you here," he smiled at me.
I laughed as I made my way over to him. He had a blanket already laid down and we both sat on it as we covered up with mine.

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