Chapter Forty-eight Hagrids help

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"What's comin will come and we will meet it when it does"

- J.K Rowling

During dinner Teddy had come over to check on me. Since yesterday, he had been spending a lot more time with Harry, helping him prepare for the task. I felt better knowing that Harry now had someone else to help him, since Ron was still being an ass about everything.

After dinner, Harry, Hermione, and Teddy and I decided to go to the common room to play exploding snap, in order to kill a little time until Harry and I had to meet Hagrid at his cabin.

Time went by pretty fast, and it felt good to get my mind off of the dread that had been looming over me that the tournament brought. Before long everyone left the common room, except for the Creevey brothers who were trying to bewitch the pins to say "Support Harry Potter!" Instead of "Support Cedric Diggory!" So far they hadn't been successful.

"I'm going to go grab the cloak," Harry whispered to me and ran up the stairs.

He returned moments later, and we slipped the cloak over top of us and crept out the portrait hole to the corridor.

The castle at night was just as fascinating as it was during the day. The only change was the slightly creepy factor it had in the dark corridors lit by flame, and the whispers you could hear for lengths from the portraits.

We walked along the dark corridors and out to the lawn to make our way down to Hagrid's hut. Thankfully we had made it through the entire castle without running into Filch or his cat. It wasn't an easy feat to move around quickly under the cloak. I'm not entirely sure how we manage to fit three of us last year when we pranked Malfoy.

Once we finally managed to get to the hut, Harry knocked on the wooden door and Hagrid opened it.

"You there? Drea, Harry?" Hagrid said as he looked around.

"Yeah we are here," Harry said as he pulled the cloak off of us.

"Alrigh' I got summat ter show yeh," Hagrid said excitedly as he waved his arm for us to walk down the steps.

He closed his wooden door, and he led us to the Forbidden Forest. The Forest was restricted from any of the students at Hogwarts, because it held terrible creatures. I had broken this rule a number of times, and even on a few occasions with Malfoy last year when he brought me ice skating at one of the hidden lakes.

"Follow me now, keep quiet and cover up with yer cloak," He said and walked further into the forest.

We had to hurry to keep up with Hagrid since his steps were double the size of ours, which was quite frustrating with having to share the cloak.

Once well into the forest Hagrid had told us to be quiet and stay still.

Madam Maxime had made her way to meet Hagrid, "I thought perhaps, you may have forgotten me," she said as she batted her long black eyelashes

"I couldn't forget you, Olympe," Hagrid said as he looked up at her.

Harry and I looked at each other and I gave him eyebrows and whispered, "Seems to me Hagrid's fancying Madame Maxime."

Harry chuckled and we continued watching as they went over to some nearby bushes. Harry and I exchanged quick glances before simultaneously deciding to walk over and look as well.

"Ah, c'est Magnifique!" Madame Maxime squealed, as we looked across the bushes at the creatures.

I held my hands over my face to contain my gasp as Harry looked at me and gulped. We watched for a second as we saw five vicious looking dragons, all of which were inside an enclosure made of wood.

Each dragon was rearing and spitting fire around them. Madame Maxine moved closer and Harry quickly threw the cloak off our heads.

"Dragons! For the first task? You're joking!" He whispered harshly.

"Come on Harry, they're just seriously misunderstood creatures," Hagrid replied.

Harry didn't get a chance to answer as Madame Maxime made her way back towards us, and he had to throw the cloak back over our heads.

We quickly made our way back to the castle. Our hearts surely pounding from adrenaline, and right before we made our way into the portrait, something ripped the cloak off of us.

Harry and I stood there startled as Malfoy was peering at the two of us. I quickly looked at Harry and he made his way through the portrait, although hesitantly.

"You followed us?" I asked as I crossed my arms and glared at him.

He glared back at me before saying, "I wanted to know what you two were up to, I heard Potter say 11:30 tonight so I waited and watched as you two not-so-secretly moved about the castle. You two really ought to work on that, especially since I without a cloak did a better job sneaking around then the two of you," he said the last part with a sense of pride and puffed up his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him to get to the point.

"Right, so.. what're we going to do about the dragons?" He asked and his eyes turned from glaring to the familiar look of warmth and care.

"I think whatever we decide to do, can wait till tomorrow, Malfoy," I answered.

He looked at me for a moment, disappointed and then nodded. I gave him a quick hug before disappearing through the portrait hole.

A/N We are like one or two chapters away from the first task. EEk. Probably if not this one, but the next. Keep commenting an voting and sharing!

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