Chapter Seventeen

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"The sun and the moon are complete opposites, yet we always pair them together."

*Dreas POV**

The month flew by, and the school work piled up to prepare for the holiday break.
My father had wrote back telling me he'd talk to me at Christmas about Draco. Thankfully, I had about a week left of school before I had to think about that conversation.

Hermione, Ginny, and I sat on the velvet couches watching the snow fall outside of the common room windows, talking about the Yule Ball and who might ask us.
"Who do you think will ask you, Hermione?" Ginny asked.
"Actually, Seamus asked me," She replied.
"He did not! And you didn't tell us?" I exclaimed.
"I think this was the perfect way to tell you," she laughed.
I threw an Every Flavor bean at her, "git."

Ginny sighed, "I wish I was old enough to go to the Yule Ball."
"One more year, then you can go!" Hermione reassured her.

"Who do you think will ask you?" Hermione looked at me.
"Well, I assumed Harry since we do everything together. Obviously he will take Cho now.. I honestly don't know," I answered.

If I had thought about it, I wanted Draco to ask me. We had hung out quite a few times, whether it was in the tower or the library, we even skated a few more times. He had slowly worked his way into my heart, becoming one of my best friends.

"Oh you know you want Malfoy to ask you," I heard a voice say, cutting off my train of thought.
"Oh hey, Ron," I said moving over so he could sit.
Hermione shot Ron a look.
"You know that I can't really go with him right? My father would not be happy," I replied back to him.
"You know you want him to ask, and since when have you listened to your father?" He looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, okay you're right!" I shoved my shoulders into him.
"Let's play a game of exploding snap, shall we?" Ron asked and we all nodded in agreement.


The next morning in Transfiguration, we were trying to turn a teapot into a tortious. This spell was rather difficult. Hermione was the only one able to succeed by the end of class, which earned us twenty-five house points.
After class, we left for the library to spend our free period studying for our exam in potions tomorrow.

"Has anyone asked you yet?" Hermione asked me.
"Not yet, but theres still two days till the ball. There's time," I tried to not sound worried.

"I mean there's really only one more day, it's on Saturday!" Hermione said .
"Maybe I should just ask someone," I replied back, but she knew how much I wanted to be the one who was asked.
She looked at me, " you're right there's still time, It'll happen don't worry," she said giving me a warm smile.
The rest of the day was uneventful, and we ended the day up in the common room studying and playing wizards chess.


I woke up on Friday morning not excited for the day, I groaned as I pulled the covers back.
I slipped on my robes and headed into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I decided to keep my hair down today. I put some product in it to keep my curls at bay, and put half my hair back into a little bun. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and left out the door.

I met Hermione and the boys downstairs like normal in the common room, and we all started towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

When we sat down at our table, my eyes glanced towards the Slytherin table, I watched as Pansy couldn't keep her arms off of Draco. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my biscuit.

After breakfast we walked to potions while quizzing each other for the exam. I felt pretty confident, especially now that Draco helped me if I needed it. As we were waiting in our seats for class to start, an origami bird flew over towards me and landed in front of me.

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